A A+ A++

For now, from the safety of your couch, you can still explore the world with these travel-inspiring films. From The Beach to Into the Wild, these movies have the power to take you away from reality for a few hours and let you dream of a post-pandemic adventure. (Poziom B1)

Stir-crazy at home? Travel restrictions cramping your wanderlust? For now, from the safety of your couch, you can still explore the world with these travel-inspiring films. From The Beach to Into the Wild, these movies have the power to take you away from reality for a few hours and let you dream of a post-pandemic adventure.

Denali, Alaska

A cautionary tale about the dangers of being unprepared in the wilderness as well as an inspiring one about the power of nature to encourage introspection, this film is based on the book by Jon Krakauer recounting Christopher McCandless’ journey across America’s heartland into Alaska. It brings the wild, untamed beauty of Alaska’s backcountry terrain to the screen so you can explore it from the safety of your own home.

Queens, New York

Chronicling the true-life story of a con man who posed as a Pan Am pilot, this film is an ode to the Golden Age of Travel. Scenes for the movie were filmed in the TWA terminal of JFK airport. The newly revamped building is now the TWA Hotel and allows modern-day travelers a chance to step back into the terminal’s vintage ’60s style, and even walk the iconic red-carpeted walkway from the film.

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