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(Natural News)
The Biden regime’s pick to head up the new Disinformation Board says that she wants the power to manually edit people’s tweets in order to make them more politically correct.

In a Zoom meeting with numerous others, Nina Jankowicz stated that she wants “trustworthy verified people” like herself to be granted full authority over what people post online to make social media more like Wikipedia.

Jankowicz believes she is a perfect candidate to police and reinvent people’s tweets because “I’m verified,” she told the other Zoom call participants, some of whom were masked in rooms all by themselves (Related: Biden’s entire regime is filled with freaks who believe disinformation such as the idea that a man can turn into a “woman”).

Anyone who expresses an opinion on Twitter that Jankowicz disagrees with should have their account access handed over to government officials. They also “shouldn’t be verified,” Jankowicz says, because they’re “not trustworthy.”

“So verified people can essentially start to edit Twitter the same sort of way that Wikipedia is so they can add context to certain tweets,” were Jankowicz’s exact words during the call.

Jankowicz: Misinformation spreader Christopher Steele of the Clinton dossier is a disinfo “expert”

Jankowicz then proceeded during the call to present a “non-political” example of the type of tweet she wants to have the authority to change: President Donald Trump’s tweet about voter fraud in the 2020 election.


“Someone could add context from one of the 60 lawsuits that went through the court or something that an election official in one of the states said, perhaps your own Secretary of State and his news conferences, something like that,” Jankowicz stated about the tweet.

“Adding context so that people have a fuller picture rather than just an individual claim on a tweet.”

As many of our readers already well know, Twitter for years has been plastering “misinformation” warning labels on tweets with which its employees disagree. Trump was even kicked off the platform entirely for tweeting things that upset Twitter employees and other liberals who use the Twitter platform.

Jankowicz wants to take all this a step further by allowing power-hungry people like herself the ability to take over people’s social media accounts and change the things they tweet or share.

Keep in mind that Jankowicz is a self-proclaimed enemy of free speech and the First Amendment. She publicly stated that free speech makes her “shudder,” and that Hunter Biden’s laptop does not exist, despite plenty of proof that it does and contains damning information about the regime and its partners.

Hilariously, Jankowicz also cited Christopher Steele, the infamous Clinton campaign-funded “‘peegate’ dossier” disinformer, as an “expert” on disinformation. Perhaps she means that he is an expert in spreading disinformation?

“This is some scary stuff, and you can bet that if Biden’s Ministry of Truth goes through, she will be given that authority,” wrote someone at Summit.news about the threat of Jankowicz actually getting to live out her fantasy of being the social media police.

“The Ministry of Truth also wants the power to gas-light. Interesting,” wrote another.

“Anyway, I don’t think she quite gets that she doesn’t own the Twitter website. Really, if Jankowicz want to edit the posts of others, then she should quit government and start her own website.”

Others pointed out that like many people these days, Jankowicz suffers from crazy eye syndrome. Watching her speak, one is left with the impression that the woman belongs in an institution, not in government.

The latest news about Biden’s Disinformation Board can be found at Deception.news.

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