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(Natural News)
For years, Google, Facebook and the Silicon Valley elite have been trying to control online speech, while manipulating elections and the will of world democracy. Their most successful social engineering scam has come in the form of partnerships with so-called “fact checkers.”

One of the most infamous “fact checkers” is an organization called Science Feedback, headed up by a guy named Emmanuel Vincent from Paris, France. Right now, Emmanuel Vincent is on the run as authorities seek to reign in this shady organization and its subsidiaries. Science Feedback routinely posts false and misleading statements online to slander and defame others. Instead of labeling Science Feedback’s posts as opinions, Big Tech gives this organization absolute authority over all information on the platform and uses their “fact checks” to shut down dialogue, debate, dissent, data and common sense. These so-called “fact checks” are used to obfuscate the truth and misrepresent actual facts. Big Tech uses Science Feedback to promote government propaganda and suppress content they don’t like.

The president of Science Feedback is on the run, not taking responsibility for libel and censorship

On June 24, 2021, the French Ministry of the Interior summoned Mr. Vincent to appear in court for posting defamatory statements and then misrepresenting them as facts. The French Ministry served the paper with the authority of the Hague Convention. Vincent did not show up at the police station or in court, prompting an expensive manhunt by French authorities. In August of 2020, a legal complaint was delivered to Science Feedback’s address: 40 Rue Alexandre Dumas, 75011, Paris, France. Mr. Vincent was nowhere to be found and did not report. Authorities followed him to another address: 16, rue Cecile Furtado Heine, Paris, France, but to no resolve. Authorities were finally able to reach Vincent through the phone. Vincent refused to sign a receipt confirming he received the legal complaints at one of his four addresses. Vincent finally appeared in front of Ms. Marie Fonquerne, a judicial police officer. He confessed he was the president of Science Feedback, but he only agreed to email correspondence, as he denied all responsibility for his actions.


When authorities pressed him on the legal complaints, Emmanuel Vincent wrote that he was not responsible for any of it, because Science Feedback is not in a direct partnership with Facebook. Vincent wrote: “[I]t is the company SCIVERIFY that works in partnership with FACEBOOK and not the association SCIENCE FEEDBACK. SCIVERIFY is a subsidiary of SCIENCE FEEDBACK and is located at 40 Rue Alexandre Dumas 75011 PARIS and it is who must be assigned, — I refuse to accept the act which is not addressed to the right entity.”

“Fact checkers” are just middle men, carrying out censorship operations for government criminals

The Wall Street Journal called out Science Feedback after they attacked John Hopkin’s researcher Marty Makary for penning an essay on covid-19 herd immunity. At the time, Dr. Makary had made a prediction based on his analysis of available evidence, but Science Feedback quickly labeled the piece an “unsubstantiated claim” in a “fact check” that was used to censor him.

This conspiracy is also linked to government officials in Washington. Fact checkers are used to establish official narratives, and the federal government uses these narratives to put further pressure on Big Tech to eliminate any dissent or exposé. In 2021, the US government went as far as targeting an alleged “disinformation dozen.” The Biden regime claimed that Facebook was killing people because they wouldn’t entirely remove “anti-vax” content from their platform. Facebook currently suppresses the reach of any content that calls out the corruption of the vaccine industry, the destruction of medical ethics, and the sad reality of vaccine injury and death.

Facebook’s (Meta’s) attorneys finally admitted in a 2021 court filing that these so-called “fact checks” are opinions, even though they are represented as facts. This admission was made in response to a lawsuit filed by John Stossel. Stossel argued that he was defamed by a “fact check” that Facebook used to label a video by him as “misleading.” Even though Facebook uses these “fact checks” to limit the spread of content they don’t like, they were able to state in court that these “fact checks” are mere opinions, and cannot be held accountable to libel law.

Science Feedback and its subsidiary Sciverify are funded in part by Facebook and are trained by Facebook’s content moderation team on how to identify “false” information. If the information does not uphold the narratives pushed forth by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, or the National Institutes of Health, then it is slandered and defamed, its reach restricted, shadow banned or blacklisted.

Basically, the most totalitarian and criminal sects operating inside the government have outsourced their censorship to Facebook, and then Facebook outsources the work to a trail of middle men overseas. Facebook uses a sophisticated system of “content moderation” that pretends to consist of third-party fact checkers looking out for the best interest of the public. However, these foreign “fact checkers” are slowly being exposed, and their perpetrators are running scared, like fugitives.

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