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(Natural News)
A disturbing entry appearing in the VAERS database documents the sudden death of a six-month-old baby within days of receiving an assortment of vaccines, including Pfizer’s Covid jab.

(Article by Adan Salazar republished from Infowars.com)

According to VAERS ID #2479506, the unexpected death of the male baby from Iowa occurred on Aug. 26, 2022, exactly 10 days after he received the Covid shot, in addition to vaccines for pneumococcal disease, rotavirus, flu and DTAP.

“Unexpected death- taking a nap in the afternoon and found pulseless in crib,” the entry states, listing his age as “0.50.”

The report also noted, “Shock-associated circulatory or cardiac conditions,” suggesting the infant may have suffered a severe heart attack leading up to his death.

Commenting on the tragedy, renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough remarked the incident is emblematic of how injecting multiple jabs simultaneously “risks overwhelming fatal reactogenicity.”

“None of these are medically necessary or clinically indicated at this age,” McCullough wrote on Twitter, adding, “Word of mouth among mothers on cases such as this fuels tremendous vaccine hesitancy.”

Indeed, if more parents learned about this terrible entry and many disturbing reports like it they might be discouraged from jabbing youngsters with so many vaccines at the same time – or worse, they might start researching the deadly injections and forgo them altogether!

Read more at: Infowars.com

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