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1. His call-to-arms was not strong enough. A man of his stature must couch his words in diplomacy, aiming at both a local and international audience. But he needed to go beyond listing PiS’s crimes. He needed to mobilise the forces of liberalism and shake the reader from the slumber of complacency; what’s remains of democracy in Poland is sleepwalking into a third successive PiS victory. The opposition are not fit for purpose. Most voters would rather cover their groins in honey and staple them to a beehive than give Platforma the time of day. If the defence of democracy was Adam Michnick’s core message, then he needed to call Platforma out on their delinquency. Democracy requires a robust opposition, strong as an ox, cunning as a stoat, fit enough to go toe-to-toe with the 800 pound gorilla that is PiS. Platforma are so bad, they are not even the opposition any more. That role has been taken by United Poland and Agreement who manufacture fake conflicts with PiS and “hold the government to account”. Invoking the future of the European Union might be the right thing to do, but it’s not going to wash with the street-fighting women in Warsaw who are having the skin taken off their backs by Kaczynski’s storm troopers.

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