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The tumour Kaczynski inflicted on us all will be debulked, there will be an end to the hounding of vulnerable teenagers by their pitbull media and Poland may yet become a Land of Responsibility.

My abiding memory of Piotr Dziewit was that he never offered small talk and this gave him a built-in poise, a significant bearing in that it deprived him of the chance to say anything asinine. The words he offered had weight, heft, as if each of his carefully parsed sentences had a duty to sally forth into the world and make it a better place.

Piotr, the former editor-in-chief of that formidable 1980’s publication Panorama, passed away recently and while the sadness his family and friends feel will be their private companion, there is an opportunity here today to reflect on Poland and Silesia through the life of a man who rode the turbulences of this strange place we all call home. Piotr was of that generation who watched Poland go from a Land of Confusion to a Land of Division and it’s a pity he has exited the stage because I’m almost sure there is still one crucial third act to play out. He would have given anything to see PiS knocked off their perch. It will come.

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