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Here’s what you won’t see at this year’s Academy Awards ceremony this weekend: courage.

After years of turning the Oscar podium into a politicized pulpit on subjects as diverse as Trump, MeToo, Ukraine and animal rights, you will see no-one speak up for the genocide of the Palestinian people. Courage. The most elusive of qualities. Is it like a soul? As in, are you born with it or can you roll up your sleeves, grit your teeth and earn it? Courage. To stand up for what you believe in. To try and make a difference.

Once upon a time, brave men and women walked the land. Even in Hollywood. Remember Marlon Brando’s non-show for his Best Actor award in 1973 for The Godfather? The Academy made him an offer he could refuse. Brando recruited a woman named Sacheen Littlefeather to attend in his place and give a speech on the genocide of the Native Americans. Brando, the son of two alcoholics, was committed to righting the wrongs of social injustice. Acting, for him, and its attendant celebrity, were stepping stones to help the weak in their struggle against tyranny. Littlefeather’s speech was received by an avalanche of boos. John Wayne felt so aggrieved by what she said, that he had to be restrained from going backstage by six security guards.  One wonders what he intended to do to the diminutive Ms Littlefeather? Show her how courageous he was?

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