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(Natural News)
Nurse Dani told Dr. Bryan Ardis during the January 17 episode of “Let’s Talk America” on Brighteon.TV that pediatricians are grooming children 12 to 18 years old to be sexually active or to question their sexuality – and they are doing it in a very systematic way.

“It’s linked with one of the goals, the national health and safety goals of this year, which is to limit the amount of time that the parent is involved with the child’s care at bedside,” Nurse Dani said.

“They are trying to groom our children into thinking that it is normal for our 12 to 18 year old to be sexually active or to question their sexuality that they can take it off like a jacket, and with no understanding that this really is affecting their psychology, their spiritual health and their emotional health. And once you get down the line, when they start doing interventions on these children as young as 12 years old, it starts messing with their physical health as well.”

Pediatricians goad children to question sexuality

Nurse Dani said that pediatricians guide children through a series of questions that is logged with every single visit. She noted that these questions literally lead the children down a path to start to question their sexuality, and that it opens a door to conversations without the knowledge of their parents. (Related: Lewd sex acts taught to 13-year-olds as part of health and science curriculum.)

“These questions are grooming children and leading them down the path to a whole world that they otherwise wouldn’t really know about. So what I’m seeing or what I saw while I was there at the bedside was that children as young as 12 years old were getting these questionnaires asked of them, getting this logged in the system to a certain degree,” explained Nurse Dani, who quit her job due to the vaccine mandate at Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando, Florida.


“And once it has been logged to a certain degree – after three or four visits – the adolescent pediatrician can start to choose to start medical procedures on that child based on their answers.”

Ardis, who was filling in for Dr. Alan Keyes, pointed out that a medical doctor does not have the right to kick a parent out of a room, specially when they are examining their children, and bring up anything about their sexual health. He added that a medical doctor’s job is to preserve the patient’s health and they should not be a counselor or do a psychiatric evaluation to talk about the sexual health of children if it is not part of their scope of practice.

Nurse Dani added that people need to be advocating for themselves and their child before establishing a medical relationship with a doctor. The nurse from Florida also said that there are adolescent pediatricians who are doing medical procedures, such as the insertion of the inter-uterine devices (IUDs) on children as young as 12 years old without parental consent.

“They were having young children as young as 12 years old sign their own surgical consents for the insertion, but they were doing this procedure under anesthesia. Normally, if you’re talking to a woman in a guided psychological situation, that is an in-office procedure, we are not putting women under anesthesia to do this. So now we’re doing this invasive procedure on these children,” Nurse Dani said.

Ardis called the incident horrific and told listeners to record the questions given to children and ask for the medical records to get the logged questions and answers.

The doctor, who is exposing corrupt practices occurring in the medical profession, said that out of this information he will make a resource for parents with a form that has all those questions being asked behind closed doors and use it to protect the children.

Parents have right to protect their children

“You as a parent have every right to protect your child in a pediatric office and you have every right to demand that they do and do not do certain things or ask certain questions [to your children]. You have every right and it is your job to protect your child,” Ardis emphasized.

Nurse Dani agreed. “You are the subject matter expert on your child. You might not know all the things there is to know about procedures and things like that, but you know your child better than any practitioner that sits with your child for 15 to 20 minutes per visit. So you stand by their side and you empower them and you will be empowered in yourself to do what’s right for them.”

Watch the full January 17 episode of “Let’s Talk America” below. “Let’s Talk America” with Dr. Alan Keyes airs Monday to Friday from 1-3 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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