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Even if a parliamentary commission of investigation is formed on this matter, we will learn little from its work, as most of the sessions will have to be held in secrecy. A Senate committee has already been set up, which has managed to prove that it does not seek to clarify, but to keep the temperature of the alleged affair rising. The mythical Pegasus fires up the public imagination, while for the opposition it becomes another fuel for attacking the government. The services are wringing their hands – as they always do when their work is deconstructed

— wrote editors Marek Pyza and Marcin Wikło in their article in „Sieci”.

The journalists quoted Senator Marcin Bosacki from the Civic Coalition, who spoke pathetically about the work of the commission on Pegasus. As journalists write of the politician:

For 20 minutes he argued, among other things, that Pegasus „is a big brother that can be used for evil things by evil people”, that „it is a spy of private life” and that the data it collects „is sent immediately to servers in Israel”. There was no discussion because the rules did not allow it, but the questions included. „How can you know all this?” – inquired Deputy Speaker of the Senate from the Law and Justice party Marek Pęk, stressing that most information on the services’ activities is secret. „Where from? These are generally available sources. These are, for example, the words of our colleague Senator Krzysztof Brejza, these are also opinions of lawyers and authorities who have been speaking about this matter for several weeks. These are officially published announcements of the Citizen Lab research institute from Canada. […] These are media reports, but also reports of the highly respected worldwide organisation Amnesty International”. – said Bosacki. Following the principle that such a commission should operate on facts and not opinions, this is indeed very little, although in line with Soviet-style disinformation.

The authors reveal who finances the Citizen Lab, presented by TVN television as an expert centre in the field of surveillance. The institution is funded, among others, by the Open Society Foundation belonging to George Soros.

The appearance in this story of George Soros, for whom independent-minded Europe’s Poland and Hungary have become a thorn in the flesh, must set off alarm bells. It basically guarantees that, just as in this case, the whole „action” will gain an international dimension, that all „freedom” organisations will immediately launch an attack. Such as the aforementioned Amnesty International. This is an international organisation that consistently attacks the Polish government. In May 2017, together with other NGOs (including those of Soros), it issued an appeal calling for „the strongest possible measures to bring Poland back into compliance with EU law”, which was to result in sanctions. Last September, after a „digital investigation”, it argued that „Poland has violated refugee rights. […] it has cruelly detained this group of people at its border in appalling conditions for weeks

— we read.

From the text we learn that the work of the opposition is not at all concentrated on establishing facts and finding the truth.

The very first meeting of the Senate committee shows that we are not dealing with any kind of investigation, but rather with an intensified effort to prove the stated thesis of an alleged ‘affair’.

Tłum. K.J.

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