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We do not want to give the other side – the Belarusian and Russian commandos training there – any pretext for dramatic situations on the Polish border

— said Minister Mariusz Kamiński in the Polish Parliament.

The Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration spoke before the Polish Parliament. He referred to the upcoming Zapad 2021 military training that will take place near our border.

The danger in relation to the situation on the border with Belarus is realistic; this is the time for the Polish state to act, in the name of state loyalty do not disturb us. (…) An important element of these drills will be played out on Belarusian territory with the participation of Belarusian troops. A significant component of the Belarusian scenario is the action of Belarusian and Russian special forces over our border. They are to practice fighting diversionary groups crossing from Polish territories into Belarus

— he said.

Irresponsible people on the border

He explained to the opposition why it was necessary to introduce a state of emergency in the border area. He drew attention to any possible illegal actions that might take place on the border, on the Polish side.

Belarusian and Russian special forces just a few kilometres from our border. There is a training ground near Brest; there are training grounds near Grodno. The training will begin on Friday. The battle groups will move around our border. We do not want any incident caused by irresponsible people. Whether they are infantile or cynical, whether they do it out of stupidity or out of the impulse of their hearts. We do not want any accidental, dramatic situations on the Polish-Belarusian border

— stated Minister Kamiński.

We do not want to give the other side – the Belarusian and Russian commandos training there – any pretext for dramatic situations on the Polish border. Therefore, we need to have a free lane for that time available exclusively for our soldiers, policemen and Border Guard officers

— he added.

Tłum. K.J.

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