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Current report No 4/2023

Date: 26 January 2023

Legal basis: Current
and Periodic Information

Subject: Submission
of candidates for members of the Supervisory Board of CI Games SE

The Management Board of CI Games S.A. with its
registered office in Warsaw (“Company”) informs that on 26
January 2023, in connection with the Extraordinary General Meeting of
the Company convened for 31 January 2023 (as per current report No.
1/2023 on 4 January 2023), the agenda of which provides for the adoption
of a resolution on the conversion of the Company into a European company
(SE) including the determination of composition of first Supervisory
Board, the Company has received notifications from authorised
shareholders submitting candidates for Supervisory Board members:

Mr. Marek Tymiński,
representing at least 5% of the Company’s share capital, proposed that
the first Supervisory Board should include Mr. Artur Osuchowski and
current members of the Supervisory Board Mr. Marcin Garliński, Mr. Adam
Niewiński, Mr. Jeremy M J Lewis. In the opinion of the shareholder, the
extensive experience, competences and professional successes possessed
by these candidates is the justification for their election and
appointment to the Company’s Supervisory Board. Mr. Marcin Garliński and
Mr. Adam Niewiński were also members of the Supervisory Board of the
Company in 2021, when the Company reported record financial results.

Active Ownership Fund SICAV-FIS SCS,
representing at least 5% of the Company’s share capital, nominated Mr
Florian Schuhbauer as a member of the first Supervisory Board. In the
opinion of the Shareholder, the candidate’s professional experience is
the best justification for his election as a member of the Company’s
Supervisory Board.

Professional CVs of the above-mentioned candidates,
who are currently members of the Company’s Supervisory Board, can be
found on the Company’s website, in the section: https://www.cigames.com/en/investor-relations/management-and-supervisory-board/.
The CVs of Artur Osuchowski and Florian Schuhbauer are attached to this

All the candidates agreed to stand as candidates for
the Company’s Supervisory Board. According to the statements made by the
candidates, these persons do not conduct activities that would be
competitive to the activities of the Company.

Disclaimer: This
English language translation may contain certain discrepancies. In case
of any differences between the Polish and the English versions, the
Polish version shall prevail.

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