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(Natural News)
Remember that story we published about the Canadian radio host who called for churches to be burned to the ground because they supposedly sit atop ancient burial grounds of the “First Nations?” It turns out that the whole thing is a hoax.

The alleged “discovery” of “buried children” at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, which became a major media sensation throughout Canada and abroad last year, is false, we now know.

Before any remains were found or even just a credible report published, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau started blabbing his mouth about how it represents “a dark and shameful chapter” in Canadian history.

British Columbia Premier John Horgan added to the cringe by stating publicly that he was “horrified and heartbroken” to learn about the nonexistent burial site, which we were told highlights the “violence and consequences of the residential school system.”

The theatrics continued after that with several Aboriginal communities and media outlets talking about unmarked graves. On May 30, the Canadian government even lowered the flags on all of its buildings to half-staff, as well as instituted a new holiday to honor the “missing” children and survivors of the residential schools.

“Spontaneously, clusters of shoes and orange shirts and other paraphernalia were placed on church steps in many cities or on the steps of legislatures in memory of the little victims,” reports further explain.

“Around the country, churches were burned or vandalized. Statues were spray-painted and pulled down in apparent retaliation for the fate of the children. The statue of Queen Victoria in front of the Manitoba Legislature was defaced and pulled down. Montreal’s statue of Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first prime minister, was knocked down, his detached bronze head symbolically rolling on the ground.”


All governments and media seem to do anymore is lie

All of this and more continued on and on as the tale ballooned into a bizarre narrative about how “thousands” of children had “gone missing” from these residential schools. Suddenly people started referring to “mass graves” where bodies were supposedly dumped.

The only problem is that the whole thing was fake. It needlessly prompted the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to declare that “a large-scale human rights violation” had occurred, even though it never actually did.

Even the Roman Catholic Church ended up with egg on its face after reporting that “thorough investigations” had occurred, resulting in the discovery of “a mass grave containing the remains of over 200 children.” This was a flat-out lie as not a single verified body had been exhumed.

“By never pointing out that it is only a matter of speculation or potentiality, and that no remains have yet been found, governments and the media are simply granting credence to what is really a thesis: the thesis of the ‘disappearance’ of children from residential schools,” reported the Dorchester Review about the fiasco.

“From an allegation of ‘cultural genocide’ endorsed by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) we have moved to ‘physical genocide,’ a conclusion that the Commission explicitly rejects in its report. And all of this is based only on soil abnormalities that could easily be caused by root movements, as the anthropologist herself cautioned in the July 15 press conference.”

Anthropologist Scott Hamilton, who worked on residential school cemeteries between 2013-2015, warns that it is critical to be very careful with the use of ground-penetrating radar because the soil may have been disturbed over the years by “sedimentary texture, … culturally-derived unconformities, obstructions or voids.”

“The exhumations have not yet begun and no remains have obviously been found,” the Dorchester Review added. “Imaginary stories and emotion have outweighed the pursuit of truth.”

More related news about fake things that were reported as real can be found at Propaganda.news.

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