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(Natural News)
Today’s podcast delivers a critically important deep dive into the delusions that shape the people and the world around us. It begins with the premise that most people are living in deep, complex delusions that dominate their consciousness. Examples of such delusional groups — which typically resemble cults — are:

  • Members of corrupt mega-churches that make false religion their focal point.
  • Covid cultists who beg to be told to take more vaccines, wear more masks and obey false authority figures like Fauci.
  • Climate change cultists who are obsessed and panicked about rising oceans and the existence of CO2.
  • Crypto cultists whose entire existence is invested in absurd cryptocurrency hype.
  • Transgender cultists who believe that men can get pregnant and women have a penis.
  • Left-wing disinfo “bubble” groups who think that J6 was an “insurrection” and that white supremacy is epidemic across America.

We are all surrounded by delusional people, and one of the key challenges in life is to eliminate our own delusions by challenging our thinking and rewiring our own neurology to eliminate false beliefs, ideas and biases.

This process is rarely achieved. Most people live their entire lives neck deep in delusional, false realities. The covid cult followers are a perfect example of this in how they worship Fauci and can’t wait to be ordered to wear another mask and take another booster shot.

When people are invested in a delusion, they begin to zealously defend it

Here’s how human neurology works: Once people are invested in a delusion, they become zealots in their defense of it. For example, a person who is heavily invested in Bitcoin often becomes utterly unable to hear any information critical of cryptocurrency. This is exactly the same way a person who took a covid vaccine can no longer tolerate information showing those vaccines to be dangerous (or even deadly).

Once a person is so fully invested in a delusion that they cut off their consciousness from the real world around them, they become “cultists” who drown in their own dogma. At some point, a “day of reckoning” arrives that shatters their delusions, leading to a traumatic psychological breakdown that’s often described in phrases like, “my whole world just got shattered.”

Hint: The more closely your cognitive map of the world matches actual reality, the less trauma you will experience when facing that day of reckoning. Those who suffer the worst trauma are the ones whose mental distortions express the most extreme divergence from reality. (The course correction can be brutal if you’ve been living in a fairy tale land. This is exactly what’s coming at some point for the stock market tech stock chasers, crypto bubble investors and vaccine worshipers.)

Projecting delusions into the 3D world

When delusions become sufficiently ingrained in the psychology of a person, they begin to project their internal delusions onto the 3D world around them. This is perfectly depicted in the following video, which shows a hotel in Calgary, Canada, being converted into a covid “quarantine” center, decked out with plastic sheeting, blue “distancing” tape on the floors, masked-up staffers running hallway checkpoint and much more. It’s the ultimate expression of delusional covid paranoia, a true mass mental illness that’s shared across the population.

What you are witnessing in the above video is the extreme mental illness of Canadian bureaucrats who are projecting their internal insanity onto the world around them. This is a kind of psychological “decorating” of the world in order to try to make the outside world match the internal delusion.

The more insane and powerful a delusion becomes, the more desperately those who share that delusion try to physically alter the 3D world around them to recreate their internal insanity in the observable, physical world.

Believing strongly in something does not make you delusional… if your beliefs are rooted in cause and effect

Do not confuse delusional thinking with strong beliefs. For example, a person can be incredibly passionate about clean food, to the point where other people think they’re crazy. But clean food has a basis in physical reality, given that food contaminants, pesticides and toxins have a very real and very detrimental effect on human health. Thus, someone merely having a strong interest or passion in something isn’t automatically a delusion. What makes things delusional is their departure from the actual world of cause and effect, or their willful suspension of logic and reason in their pursuit of furthering their own delusion.

In that same way, prepping is not delusional, given the history of supply chain failures, natural disasters, price inflation, robberies, power grid failures and war. While non-prepping may look at preppers and think they’re crazy, those same non-preppers still wear seatbelts and carry insurance on their own homes in case of a fire. So they actually do believe in preparing for disasters… they just don’t carry it into areas like food, firearms, medicine, communications, etc. (It’s actually irrational to not be a prepper these days, given the rather evidence supply chain failures that are worsening by the week.)

In the realm of covid, it’s very easy to see delusional thinking on display. For example, people who took the covid vaccine in the early days of its release often said, “I believe in science.” In the early months, there wasn’t much science available that showed the dangers of the vaccine experiment, so this position of “I believe in science” could have been somewhat defended by those who invoked it.

But in the year since the introduction of the vaccines — yes, it’s already been a year — an enormous amount of scientific information has been released that shows the vaccines to be dangerous and deadly. This includes science-based studies and articles published in peer-reviewed journals (such as Circulation from the AHA), the VAERS database raw numbers, a skyrocketing all-cause mortality trend in those who were vaccinated, the highly suspicious phenomenon of fully vaccinated professional sports figures keeling over with heart attacks, and so on.

Now, the science clearly shows that covid vaccines: 1) Do not stop infections, 2) Do not work for very long if they work at all, 3) Lead to increased risks of hospitalizations and deaths, and 4) Suppress immune function, making people more vulnerable to other infections.

So now that “the science” shows these vaccines are incredibly risky, do people who took the vaccine still follow “the science” and re-evaluate their positions?

Smart people do. Steve Kirsch, whom I recently interviewed, took the first two jabs and then, as the new science rolled in, decided that the evidence now clearly shows these vaccines to be far more risky than what was first promised. Here’s my full interview with him:


But most people who took the vaccine simply dismiss the new science they don’t like. This transforms them from “science” people to full-blown vaccine cultists. Now, the vaccine has become their religion, and they worship the boosters as their gods.

Our shared goal should include helping to “red pill” others so that they are freed from their delusions

In The Matrix, the entire “reality” in which people lived was a computer simulation pumped into bio-neurology as a persistent, convincing illusion. Getting “red pilled” means shattering the delusion and transporting people into the real world, no matter how traumatic such a transition might be. From Morpheus, “The mind has trouble letting go…”

Most of the people you encounter are living in an internal Matrix that exists in their mind, formed out of media lies, mass hypnosis, social engineering, false histories and deliberate trauma inflicted by schools and governments. This means that in order for you to successfully navigate this world, you must learn to recognize other people’s delusions and learn how to evade their attempts to ensnare you into their own false worlds.

In a world populated by delusional masses, one of the greatest acts of kindness is to shatter their delusions and pull them out of their mental Matrix, bringing their awareness into the real world. From a practical standpoint, this can only be accomplished by disconnecting from the corporate-run media, which provides the inputs for the persistent delusions in which most people live.

Red pilling people cannot be done with facts, by the way, because cultists are immune to facts. They also run their own cult dogma reinforcers known as “Fact Checkers” which are really Fake Checkers. Importantly, the only thing that can shatter the delusions of the cultists is a sudden, often traumatic shattering of their false reality.

This can occur with events such as a mass death wave among the vaccinated, or a crypto crash, or a mega church leader being arrested for pedophilia, etc. It takes a mind-shattering event to break the persistent delusion of the psyche and bring people back into contact with the real world. The dot-com collapse in 2000 was precisely such an event. Same story with the sub-prime market collapse of 2008.

Adding to this difficulty, most people’s social networks are tied to their dominant delusion, which means all their friends share the same delusion they’re been following. So shattering their delusion also means making a break with their entire network of delusional friends, and that’s doubly traumatizing to most people.

This is ultimately why so few people ever escape the delusions that define their own distorted lives. This is why most people are little more than mindless consumers who regurgitate media narratives and obey authority figures without questioning anything. They are also known as Programmable Life Forms (PLFs) or “zombie” people who only think they have original thoughts and ideas, all while serving as nothing more than propaganda conduits for globalist narratives.

The most dangerous thing in the world isn’t evil per se… it’s the delusional masses who can be easily corralled into carrying out truly insane acts such as mass genocide, injecting babies with spike proteins, or imprisoning perfectly healthy people in covid death camps. Humanity learned nothing from the Holocaust of the Third Reich, as we are repeating the same horrifying crimes against humanity right now, all under the delusion of “science” and a “public health emergency.”

Your government is run by cultists. Your local hospital is filled with medical murderers who call themselves doctors. Your local schools are taught by left-wing Marxist cultists who groom children for pedophilia and communism. Your local banker has delusional faith in fiat currency, and your neighbor kid who trades crypto is probably a digital fiat currency cultist. Almost no one is living in the real world of cause and effect, which means that ultimately, almost no one can be reasoned with.

And that, my friends, is why the world seems completely fu##ing insane to anyone who can still think for themselves.

Learn more in today’s detailed podcast, which also introduces a whole new use for ping pong balls:


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