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(Natural News)
The new chief scientist for global health at the World Health Organization (WHO) was complicit in the coverup of the true origins of covid while in his previous post as director of the globalist-infested Wellcome Trust.

From 2013 until now, Dr. Jeremy Farrar led the Wellcome Trust, an organization that continues to play a major role in fleshing out the technocratic globalist network and the associated modern eugenics movement.

Farrar also played a critical role in redefining what a “vaccine” is to include experimental gene therapies like covid injections, which continue to be administered as an alleged preventive for the “virus.”

“When COVID broke out, Farrar founded Wellcome Leap, which is basically the DARPA of global public health,” explains Dr. Joseph Mercola. “Its focus is wholly on transhumanist research to usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Along with WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Farrar is now working behind the scenes at the United Nations (UN) to influence not just global health but also finance and governance. (Related: Last summer, Ghebreyesus tried (but failed) to make monkeypox, aka pridepox, the next plandemic.)

As chief scientist at the WHO, Farrar’s job duties include developing and delivering “high quality health services” as the globalists define such things. Keep in mind that his job duties at the Wellcome Trust involved developing new birth control drugs and “vaccines” to help reduce the global population.

The Wellcome Trust is also a hotbed of former bankers, insurance executives, and investment board members. It is heavily tied to Big Pharma as well, its founder, the late Sir Henry Wellcome, having also founded the drug company now known as GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).


According to Dr. Mercola, the Wellcome Trust is basically the “philanthropic arm” of GSK, as well as one of the investors behind Vaccitech, a private corporation that holds the patents and royalties for AstraZeneca’s covid injection.

“Considering the WHO’s plan to seize control over health care decisions worldwide, starting with pandemic responses – a move that will essentially turn the WHO into an incubator for a One World Government or New World Order (NWO) – its selection of Farrar makes sense,” Mercola writes. “He’s part of the technocracy and is a eugenics insider already.”

If the WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty” gets passed this year as expected, Farrar will gain dictatorial power over global public health

In a few short months, the WHO and participating member nations will iron out and finalize the so-called “Pandemic Treaty,” which will spell the end of health freedom all around the world. Once that treaty gets signed, it is basically game over for liberty.

Farrar, should the Pandemic Treaty get signed as planned, will instantly become one of the most powerful medical dictators in the world. Whatever medical recommendations he makes will basically be binding for all WHO member nations, including the United States.

Seeing as how Farrar is a heavy proponent of experimental drugs and transhumanism, it is easy to envision what will become of public health once the Pandemic Treaty becomes concrete.

“I would argue Farrar is a recipe for disaster when it comes to imposing experimental medical technologies on the population during public health crises,” writes investigative journalist Whitney Webb.

“This is a guy who was very much invested in this stuff … In terms of the kinds of pandemic response policies he supports, it’s lockdowns, masks – essentially all of that stuff. And he was the architect of a lot of that, specifically for the WHO during COVID-19. He has consistently supported policies that really, ultimately, have little to do with public health.”

More related news can be found at Globalism.news.

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