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(Natural News)
“World Alternative Media” host Josh Sigurdson slammed Hong Kong for forcing people into camps based on things that literally don’t exist.

Sigurdson mentioned an article from Zero Hedge that says Hong Kong is forcing arrivals from the United Kingdom and United States into quarantine camps after a single asymptomatic omicron case.

“They are trying to push the levels of tyranny up as high as they can possibly [can] without actually revolting against it. They’ll do whatever they can to get away with it, as this Zero Hedge article says ‘Hong Kong, forcing arrivals into quarantine camps after a single asymptomatic omicron case,’” said Sigurdson.

While stressing that omicron doesn’t exist because there’s no test that says it exists and there’s no way to isolate it, Sigurdson recalled an interview with an Australian and a Norwegian-Australian who were forced into one of the camps.

“Hong Kong residents returning from the United States are being forced to spend one week in Spartan quarantine camp after which they must serve out two weeks in a hotel room that they pay for themselves,” said Sigurdson, who noted the South China Morning Post has already compared Hong Kong to China.

Health authorities recently announced the new measures after elevating China to the highest Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) risk level, which was prompted by one confirmed case of the omicron variant in a traveler from the U.S. – an asymptomatic 37-year-old man who had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine and traveled from Los Angeles on Dec. 7.


“It’s insane. In a press release, the city said that those arriving from the U.S. would be subject to the most stringent quarantine and testing requirements,” said Sigurdson, who accused Hong Kong of going against the world’s trend of reopening.

“Who is testing for omicron? Absolutely no one. They aren’t searching for that. They are literally just saying that this one’s COVID or this one’s omicron. That’s how they do it. They’re just faking it. It’s fake. Ask any testing center how they do it. And they will tell you they can’t. There’s literally no way for them to do this. It’s fake,” Sigurdson said.

Policy causing long-term damage on HK’s status as financial center

Hong Kong’s policy is sparking chaos during the busiest travel season as families try to reunite for the holidays.

“The strategy, which has choked off travels to a city once known for its connectedness, is causing long-term damage on Hong Kong’s status as a financial center,” Sigurdson said.

He noted that even Elon Musk, the wealthiest individual on the planet, is against vaccine mandates. “But I don’t understand why he’s still saying that vaccines are good,” Sigurdson pointed out.

Musk is part of the global establishment, according to Sigurdson.

“I do think that… he said COVID doesn’t really even exist back last year. And now he’s like, ‘Oh, but I might as well take the vaccine to get us closer to normal.’ That’s basically like saying, ‘In order to get closer to normal, we need to get further away from it. In order to get freedom back, we need to give it away.’ It’s absurd,” said Sigurdson.

The World Alternative Media commentator lauded the people who are standing up for their rights.

Protesters recently took to the streets in France and Italy in opposition of COVID rules that infringe on their civil liberties. The protests came after European countries double down on efforts to get wide portions of their populations vaccinated in a bid to avoid further lockdowns.

“I think disobedience and rejection and rejecting the narrative is the best way. But also, if you can’t scare politicians, the politicians will be scaring you and pushing you into a state of fear,” Sigurdson said.

“And so while I don’t support any violence or destruction, especially of private businesses, I do think that there should be some level of fear that politicians should be feeling in the face of this so that they just stop enforcing things and they stop writing these this ink on paper and the police stop enforcing.”

Watch the full World Alternative Media video below.

Follow Infections.news for more stories about the omicron variant.

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