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The Management Board of Vivid Games S.A. (hereinafter: “the Company”,
“the Issuer”) announces that, because of the Company’s financial
situation (presented in monthly reports with preliminary financial
results and periodic reports) and the desire to develop an increase in
value for Shareholders, on June 3, 2024, it decided to initiate a review
of strategic options to support further development and financing of the
Company’s operations.

As part of the review of strategic options, the Company’s Board of
Directors intends to evaluate the following options, among others:

Issuing a Company’s share stake to a financial investor.

Issuing a Company’s share stake to an industry stakeholder to establish
a strategic partnership.

Establishing cooperation with an external publisher to co-finance the
development and marketing expenses of games in the Real Boxing series.

As of the date of publication of this report, the Company’s Management
Board has not made any decisions related to the selection of a specific
option, and there is no certainty that it will implement any of the
options presented.

The Company will report on the further course of the above process and
the selection of specific options in separate reports.

Disclaimer: This English translation, including all attachments, has
been prepared solely for the convenience of English-speaking readers.
Despite all efforts devoted to this translation, there may be some
discrepancies, omissions or approximations. In the event of any
differences between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version
shall prevail. Vivid Games S.A., its representatives and employees
disclaim all liability in this regard.

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