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(Natural News)
The conflict raging in Ukraine may be bringing about widespread devastation, but some observers are warning that we can’t lose sight of the fact that the country has also been implementing so many of the hallmarks of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. The case is laid out by Julian Schernthaner at the German news site Wochenblick in an article entitled: “In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite.”

The author notes that those pushing for a radical restructuring of the world have long had their sights set on Ukraine.

With the vigorous participation from President Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine would be a Mecca for U.S. bioweapons laboratories and pave the way for digital networking, the Metaverse, and a transparent citizenry. The linchpin is the digital ID app known as “Diia,” an acronym for “The Government and me.”

Shortly after Zelensky took office, the country’s Ministry of Digital Transformation (MDT) was formed and tasked with creating a governmental platform for smartphones. Diia, as it is known, has more than 50 applications devoted to online identification, driver’s licenses, student IDs, COVID vaccination passports, business and insurance applications, and the management of social benefits.

One French tech portal likened Ukraine’s approach to China’s social credit system, and the comparisons don’t end there. Last year, Zelensky offered the equivalent of a tenth of a typical monthly Ukrainian salary to anyone who uploaded their vaccination records to Diia.


Just two weeks before the system went live, a World Economic Forum summit that was hosted by the architect of the Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, named Zelensky its Guest of Honor. The Ukrainian president’s speech there included buzzwords like “new normal.” He expressed his belief that international security needed to be rethought and that current global institutions are not efficient.

He also described his vision for Ukraine to become an Eastern European Silicon Valley and “investment mecca.” It was an idea Schwab embraced, and he praised the reforms already made in the country, many of which had been initiated by the WEF.

Following the WEF appeal, Ukraine struck a deal with Apple to carry out a digital census this year, with Apple looking for projects that will promote the country’s transition to paperless mode. The MDT also struck a deal with Microsoft in a far-reaching collaboration to develop a “highly secure cloud platform ecosystem” that will affect “various industries and promote energy transition, digital transformation of agriculture and sustainability.”

Global food shortages serve Great Reset agenda

Ukraine may have already been headed down that path, but now many fear that the current fighting between Russia and Ukraine is also serving the Great Reset agenda. During the conflict, President Joe Biden signed an executive order calling for a federal study of cryptocurrencies and an urgent exploration of a “new digital dollar.” The White House said there would be an “urgency on research and development of a potential United States CBDC, should issuance be deemed in the national interest.”

It’s not unlike the global digital currency envisioned by the Great Reset proponents. Glenn Beck explained why we should all be frightened: “They’re going to make a transition away from the U.S. dollar to a digital currency, one that can be tracked, controlled, manipulated and designed for, in the words of the White House, equitable access to safe and affordable finance services. .It will control you and your life, as well as remake all of society.”

Moreover, the global food shortages set in motion by the Russian invasion are playing right into the globalists’ hands. As fighting in Europe’s breadbasket leaves many countries with grain shortages and rising fertilizer prices impact farmers in the U.S. and around the world, skyrocketing food production costs are being passed down to consumers at the grocery store.

Speaking on an episode of “American Journal,” Harrison Hill Smith noted: “Once you have shortages, you have rationing. Once you have rationing, especially for … things like food, medicine, which they’re also rationing now, you have basically total control.

“The shortage will be used to, once again, determine who does and who does not get the food they need to survive. It’s pretty simple.”

There are also fears that these shortages in crucial foods like vegetable oils and grains will pave the way for biotechnology to play a greater role, with food systems being redesigned and more people consuming gene-edited crops just to survive.

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