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(Natural News)
British officials have reiterated their position that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) because “sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine” for this demographic “cannot be provided at this time.”

Unlike the United States, which has been pushing the shots on pregnant and breastfeeding women since the beginning, the United Kingdom is urging avoidance because the jabs could harm both women and their babies. (Related: Covid jabs cause birth defects and spontaneous abortions.)

A comprehensive report from the country’s Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), entitled “Summary of the Public Assessment Report for COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer / BioNTech” and last updated on August 16, specifies that women “of childbearing potential” can still take the shots as long as “healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination.”

“Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated,” the “Toxicity Conclusions” section further specifies.

NHS has been pushing pregnant and breastfeeding women to get jabbed this entire time, against the DHSC’s guidance

There was circulating misinformation to suggest that the DHSC, which published this document through the government’s Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), just added this information. It turns out this was false – the information has been there since at least March 2021.


What is true, however, is that the National Health Service (NHS), Britain’s government-run healthcare system, has been pushing pregnant and breastfeeding women to take the jabs this entire time – in direct defiance to what the DHSC has said.

“… apparently the Wayback Machine shows no changes since March 2021,” notes Norman Fenton about the DHSC document.

“However, this would make things even worse as it means that the Government officials and the NHS have been recommending pregnant women get the vaccine against the official Government document advice.”

An archived version of the DHSC does show that strong guidance against pregnant and breastfeeding women taking the shots was, in fact, missing. In fact, the entire “Toxicity Conclusions” section was nowhere to be found in previous versions.

The only thing present was the following statement in Section 4.6:

“Administration of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 in pregnancy should only be considered when the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks for the mother and foetus.”

Even this mild statement directly contradicts the instructions given to the public by the likes of Sajid Javid, a UK member of parliament (MP), who wrote on Twitter that everyone, including pregnant and breastfeeding women, should “go and get your vaccine.”

“The right time is now,” Javid tweeted on January 14. “We have got an opportunity to change hearts and minds here … you can protect yourself and your baby by getting vaccinated.”

In other words, some British officials are warning pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid covid injections while others are encouraging them to get jabbed over and over again for their own “protection.”

Even the official government website of the UK states the following in a document called “COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding:”

“COVID-19 vaccination is strongly recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.”

So which is it: should pregnant and breastfeeding women permanently modify their DNA with mRNA (messenger RNA) chemicals or not?

“These problems were or should have been clear from the Pfizer trials themselves,” wrote a commenter on Fenton’s blog.

“During the trials, a large proportion of the pregnant trial participants lost their babies, as is now being revealed since Pfizer was FORCED (by an American judge) to release their documentation. Pfizer had previously stated that they would not release all the information until 2075! So, in fact, this WAS and HAS BEEN done ALL BY DESIGN.”

The latest news about Chinese Virus injections can be found at Genocide.news.

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