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(Natural News)
According to a new study, close to 600 patients who received either the Pfizer or Moderna Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines showed signs of cardiovascular damage, which increased their risks of heart attack and other severe coronary problems.

The results of the study were presented in November by Nebraska physician and retired cardiac surgeon Dr. Steven Gundry at the annual conference of the American Heart Association in Boston.

Gundry regularly tests patients for early signs of heart problems, such as heart inflammation and cellular death. The patients are given a score designed to predict their risk of developing acute coronary syndrome in the next five years.

Acute coronary syndrome is a range of conditions associated with sudden reduced blood flow to the heart that can lead to a heart attack (myocardial infraction) due to damaged heart tissue.

Gundry found that his patients saw an increase in heart disease risk from 11 percent to 25 percent, and the risk persisted for at least 2.5 months after the second dose.

“We conclude that the mRNA [vaccines] dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination,” Gundry said.

This helps explain why cardiologists around the world are seeing cases like what happened to a 38-year old woman who is on a heart-lung bypass machine after a case of post-vaccine myocarditis.

South African doctor brands vaccines as poisonous

South African Dr. Shankara Chetty, who is credited with treating 7,000 COVID 19 patients without a single hospitalization or death, said that the goal of vaccine transmission campaign is to control and kill off a large proportion of population without anyone suspecting that we were already being “poisoned.”

“The deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison. They will be too diverse, there will be too many, and they will be in too broad a timeframe for us to understand that we have been poisoned,” said Chetty in an article published by GreatGameIndia.com.

During a zoom conference, Chetty said: “I think the perspective around what is happening is vitally important. We need to understand what the aim is. Everyone knows that there’s inconsistencies, that there’s coercion, but we need to understand why. Why is it there”

He pointed out that spike proteins common in both the vaccine and the virus was causing all the COVID deaths. (Related: Unthinkable thoughts about COVID and the spike protein.)

“In my opinion of what’s going on in the world, spike protein is one of the most [dangerous] man-made toxins. And the purpose of this toxin is to kill billions of people without anyone noticing. What looks like transpired here, [is] they’ve engineered a virus and put this weapons-grade package onto it called spike protein,” Chetty said.

The South African doctor noted that the allergic reaction with the initial release of the most elaborately engineered toxic “occurs in a small number of people, resulting in more severe cases and death when the vaccine is administered.” This usually happens eight days after the onset of symptoms, he said.

Chetty added that people with cancer are going to have their cancers flare up due to the engineered spike protein. “They will say they died of cancer.”

He continued: “People with vessel injuries or predisposition like our diabetics and [those with] hypertension are going to have strokes and heart attacks and the rest at varying times, and we’ll attribute those to their preexisting conditions. People are going to develop, over time, autoimmune conditions, the diversity of which will never be addressed by any pharmaceutical intervention because they’re far too targeted.”

Chetty also talked about a bigger plan by big pharmaceuticals. He concluded that the big picture is at play, because otherwise vaccines make absolutely no sense.

“I think if people understand what the intention is, then they’ll understand why what’s happened has happened. The ill logic, the coercion, the suppression, is all warranted if you understand that there is a bigger plan,” Chetty said. “We were sold the vaccine as our savior from the start, and if we look at the science, the science does not play out.”

Follow Immunization.news for more news related to coronavirus vaccines.

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