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(Natural News)
The US government and the CDC intended, by hook or by crook, to perpetuate the useless and harmful pandemic mandates as long as they could, but now, every single one of them has been backpedaled, retracted, and debunked, even scientifically. By any possible means the medical industrial complex perpetuated fake science to keep the sheeple in the dark, locked down, miserable, broke, sick and dying. Now the truth is out on everything, and real science backs it up. Actual research reveals the so-called strategies for “flattening the curve” and “stopping the spread” of the lab-made gain-of-function Wuhan virus were all for naught, and not just useless, but further health damaging.

Here are the top 6 ways the fake experts of the pandemic had to backpedal and misdirect their own disinformation, once the “cat got out of the bag”

The cat got out of the bag like the populace popped their faces out of the masks, once most everyone (except Democrats) figured out the masks don’t work and they breed bacteria in the mouth, throat, and lungs, adding to the fear-and-chaos scamdemic frenzy. Here are 6 ways the fake experts of the pandemic had to backpedal and misdirect their own misinformation, once the “cat got out of the bag:”

#1. Experts claimed failure of the mask was due to the “type of mask” people were wearing (research shows even the N-95 mask doesn’t prevent Covid-19 contraction or transmission). Masking was a complete global failure, from the beginning.

#2. They said the lockdowns didn’t work because they “weren’t strict enough.”


#3. After most “fully vaccinated” sheeple caught Covid, then “experts” claimed the vaccines didn’t stop contraction of Covid, but kept you from getting a bad case of it.

#4. After “fully vaccinated” kept catching Covid, they said new variants were the reason and that everyone needs “booster” shots now.

#5. After millions of Covid-vaccinated people starting getting vascular clots from the shots, the experts said that the Wuhan Flu causes blood clots.

#6. Once the fully vaccinated populace starting dying suddenly in droves (at Warp Speed) from “unexpected causes,” the experts blamed referee whistles, cold showers, video games, and tiny particles in the air from industrial pollution.

How can lockdowns not be “strict enough” when China has zero tolerance and 100% lockdowns with horrific consequences, at the beginning and right now?

Somehow the experts claimed that lockdowns in America (and the UK) did not work because they weren’t strict enough, but the lockdowns in China were run very tightly by the tyrannical government, and the people suffered immensely. Now they’re doing it again, just to punish the populace even further, and exert control over every aspect of their lives.

Now that the people are rising up in mass protest in China, the government is suddenly backpedaling, disregarding their own prior mandates they claimed were absolutely necessary to stop the pandemic from spreading to every Chinaman, and around the world. Lockdowns work for prevention, but not of the spread of viruses, but for preventing people from paying their bills, breathing fresh air, socializing, and running their own businesses. It’s all a scam and the “experts” knew it, but by hook or crook, they intended to run those scams as long as they could get away with it.

At first, the lying experts, like Fauci, said ANY kind of mask is better than no mask, including cloth masks. In fact, he said wearing ANYTHING over your face would help, so people started wearing plastic bags, paper bags, and women’s underwear on their face (because the sheeple are that gullible). Then they backpedaled on that, and starting claiming the masks must be “high quality” and “well-fitted” to work. Oh really? There was ZERO science to back any of this up, and then came the real science, to expose it all as fraud.

No masks worked, not even N-95; it was just another misdirect and deflect from the so-called “experts”

High quality research conducted on healthcare workers, and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, now reveals a randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy of fit-tested N95 masks to medical masks, and guess what? The percentage of healthcare workers who wore the N95 masks and still tested positive for Covid (around 10%) was virtually the SAME as those who wore standard medical masks. Conclusion? No matter how “high quality” or “well-fitted” your mask is, it doesn’t matter.

Additionally, just because your sneeze or cough gets stuck in a nasty cloth mask and trapped inside your own mouth doesn’t make you safer from Covid or anyone else from your mask-created bacterial infection. The second someone touches their mask, adjusts it, or takes it off and puts it back on, it’s completely contaminated. Plus, the virus particles are much smaller than the holes in the masks, so there’s that.

Tune your scamdemic frequency to Censored.news for truth news about useless masks and health-damaging “vaccines” that’s being censored from the rest of media as you read this.

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