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(Natural News)
The Third Reich never really ended. Although Hitler himself was destroyed, the Nazi regime of the 1920s / 30s / 40s simply went underground and morphed into a global movement of infiltration and influence that’s now emerging as “globalism.”

The World Economic Forum is the training ground for modern-day Nazis, who include national leaders Macron (France), Merkel (Germany) and Trudeau (Canada). Notably, the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, named Chrystia Freeland, is the granddaughter of an actual Nazi collaborator and propagandist named Michael Chomiak.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Chomiak was a target of a post-war Polish intelligence search for Nazi collaborators. “Polish intelligence suspect Chomiak arrived in Cracow soon after Hans Frank (who was executed for crimes against humanity) became the governor, offering himself as an agent of influence to inform the Germans on what fellow Ukranians and anti-Russian nationalists then active in and around Lviv were thinking and planning. His work as a journalist was likely a cover for espionage on behalf of the Germans.”

Chomiak’s daugher was Halyna Chomiak, who is the mother of Chrystia Freeland, now Deputy Prime Minister of Canada (just under Trudeau). Compilation photo via TGP:

Here’s a photo of Christia Freeland, Justin Trudeau and George Soros, meeting at a World Economic Forum event in Davos in January of 2016.

Beneath that you’ll see an historical image of pregnant women lined up for execution by the Nazis, carried out in Ukraine by Nazi collaborators. In one massacre depicted below, 33,771 Jews were executed on September 29 – 30, 1941. (Image compilation courtesy The Gateway Pundit / XR Vision)


Actual Nazis (globalists) are carrying out the eugenics / depopulation agenda of Adolf Hitler

Understand that the “vaccine” mRNA depopulation scheme now being pushed on the world is nothing new. It is merely the continuation of the Nazi eugenics program of the 1930s / 40s which sought to exterminate certain ethnic groups in the name of “progress” for humanity. Today, the same effort is now underway in an expanded context, where the targets are now predominantly Caucasian-dominated nations across the planet. Note that Africa has seen very little in the way of vaccine uptake, and Africans aren’t dying in huge numbers from vaccines. The mass vaccine deaths are taking place in so-called “white” countries across Europe, North America, Australia, etc., while many nations such as India are offering their people ivermectin for prevention (which is drastically reducing the deaths).

Note, too, that in the United States, the same Joe Biden who demanded that all American citizens be vaccinated as a condition of holding a job simultaneously declared that illegal immigrants needed to vaccines whatsoever.

Even right now in Canada, it has been revealed that Justin Trudeau’s order prohibiting protests against the government specifically exempts refugees, immigrants and ethnic minorities, as reported by Summit.news.

In other words, you’re only prohibited from protesting if you’re White. This is the racist reality of the fascist Canada regime that is nearly 100% aligned with the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler.

Ivermectin is not allowed in Caucasian countries. All citizens in those nations are condemned to die by the medical fascists such as the FDA, who deliberately withhold ivermectin and other lifesaving interventions from the American people. Ivermectin is readily available in Africa, Central America, South America, Asia and India, but not in North America or Western Europe. It’s all restricted by the fascist governments which now function as biological and medical terrorists targeting the people.

Much of the modern US government is run by actual fascists who derive their philosophies from the Nazis

Under Operation Paper Clip, the US government brought Nazi scientists to the United States and gave them new identities to run NASA and the Apollo program. Actual Nazis infiltrated NASA from the very beginning, and they slowly worked their way through the intelligence community and government regulators, to the point where a surprising number of those who have run the FDA, NIH or NIAID are working seamlessly with the Nazi agenda of mass extermination.

Just consider the last five FDA commissioners and how much pain, suffering and destruction they brought upon the world, reflecting the philosophy of fascist and human extermination:

Stephen M Hahn
Scott Gottlieb
Robert M. Califf
Margaret Hamburg
Andrew C. von Eschenbach

Every one of these people oversaw the FDA’s suppression of nutrition and natural medicine while the agency pushed monopoly protections for deadly prescription pharmaceuticals, almost always “approved” under outright fraud.

The current head of the NIAID is Fauci, of course, and the head of the CDC is Walensky.

All these people take their orders from globalists, and the globalists seek to exterminate most of the human race and claim the planet for themselves. Globalists now see human beings as “fleas” to be removed with a “flea bath” on a planetary scale.

As this meme shows, every sector of modern society has a motivation to support depopulation: The globalists, the governments, the corporations and even Wall Street (finance and investing).

The entire abortion movement was part of the eugenics / depopulation scheme

The abortion industry in America — which was founded by an anti-Black eugenicist who spoke of Blacks as “human weeds” — has long targeted Blacks for extermination via infanticide. This was the early effort to reduce global population through so-called “women’s health” initiatives, which even now have been abandoned by progressives in favor of transgenderism which denies the existence of biological women altogether.

What many people don’t realize is that Adolf Hitler was inspired by the eugenics movement in America, which started in California where state lawmakers spearheaded laws to approve government-coerced sterilization of the mentally impaired, among other initiatives.

An article by Edwin Black, author of, “IBM and the Holocaust,” authored an article in 2003 titled, “The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics.”

That article is published at HistoryNewsNetwork.org and states:

Eugenics was the racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed “unfit,” preserving only those who conformed to a Nordic stereotype. Elements of the philosophy were enshrined as national policy by forced sterilization and segregation laws, as well as marriage restrictions, enacted in twenty-seven states. In 1909, California became the third state to adopt such laws. Ultimately, eugenics practitioners coercively sterilized some 60,000 Americans, barred the marriage of thousands, forcibly segregated thousands in “colonies,” and persecuted untold numbers in ways we are just learning. Before World War II, nearly half of coercive sterilizations were done in California, and even after the war, the state accounted for a third of all such surgeries… In its first twenty-five years of eugenic legislation, California sterilized 9,782 individuals, mostly women. Many were classified as “bad girls,” diagnosed as “passionate,” “oversexed” or “sexually wayward.” At Sonoma, some women were sterilized because of what was deemed an abnormally large clitoris or labia.

As Edwin Black reveals, the financing for the eugenics movement involved many of the usual suspects who are right now engaged in pushing vaccines and depopulation in the 21st century:

Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune. They were all in league with some of America’s most respected scientists hailing from such prestigious universities as Stamford, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. These academicians espoused race theory and race science, and then faked and twisted data to serve eugenics’ racist aims.

The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German eugenics program and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz.

Importantly, eugenics was justified under the label of “science” in the same way that vaccines are justified today. From the article:

n 1863, Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, theorized that if talented people only married other talented people, the result would be measurably better offspring. At the turn of the last century, Galton’s ideas were imported into the United States just as Gregor Mendel’s principles of heredity were rediscovered. American eugenic advocates believed with religious fervor that the same Mendelian concepts determining the color and size of peas, corn and cattle also governed the social and intellectual character of man.

In an America demographically reeling from immigration upheaval and torn by post-Reconstruction chaos, race conflict was everywhere in the early twentieth century. Elitists, utopians and so-called “progressives” fused their smoldering race fears and class bias with their desire to make a better world. They reinvented Galton’s eugenics into a repressive and racist ideology. The intent: populate the earth with vastly more of their own socio-economic and biological kind–and less or none of everyone else.

Death camps were constructed in America with functional gas chambers while US Army experts openly talked about using bioweapons for population control… in 1918

To carry this out, death camps were constructed in America with functional gas chambers. These are almost exactly like the covid concentration camps currently being launched in Washington State and other regions across America.

A US Army doctor even authored a book called, “Applied Eugenics” (in 1918) in which he argued that biological weapons could be used to achieve selective depopulation:

The most commonly suggested method of eugenicide in America was a “lethal chamber” or public locally operated gas chambers. In 1918, Popenoe, the Army venereal disease specialist during World War I, co-wrote the widely used textbook, Applied Eugenics, which argued, “From an historical point of view, the first method which presents itself is execution… Its value in keeping up the standard of the race should not be underestimated.” Applied Eugenics also devoted a chapter to “Lethal Selection,” which operated “through the destruction of the individual by some adverse feature of the environment, such as excessive cold, or bacteria, or by bodily deficiency.”

Do not forget, by the way, that the so-called “Spanish flu” epidemic of 1918 began at a military base in the Midwest. By some accounts, it was all a biological weapon experiment run by the military itself.

The United States Supreme Court, in a landmark 1927 decision, gave its approval for eugenics / depopulation programs, proving that even SCOTUS will side with mass murder when it seems politically convenient to do so:

Even the United States Supreme Court endorsed aspects of eugenics. In its infamous 1927 decision, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, “It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” This decision opened the floodgates for thousands to be coercively sterilized or otherwise persecuted as subhuman. Years later, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes’s words in their own defense.

Finally, Adolf Hitler invoked “science” and “medicine” (just like Fauci today) to justify his eugenics / Holocaust programs. From Edwin Black:

Hitler studied American eugenics laws. He tried to legitimize his anti-Semitism by medicalizing it, and wrapping it in the more palatable pseudoscientific facade of eugenics. Hitler was able to recruit more followers among reasonable Germans by claiming that science was on his side. While Hitler’s race hatred sprung from his own mind, the intellectual outlines of the eugenics Hitler adopted in 1924 were made in America.

Nazi eugenics would ultimately dictate who would be persecuted in a Reich-dominated Europe, how people would live, and how they would die. Nazi doctors would become the unseen generals in Hitler’s war against the Jews and other Europeans deemed inferior. Doctors would create the science, devise the eugenic formulas, and even hand-select the victims for sterilization, euthanasia and mass extermination.

What we are all witnessing today with Fauci, Big Pharma, “vaccines,” hospital homicide and abortion is merely the Third Reich reborn as the FOURTH Reich with a new label of “the science”

Understand that Fauci is just the modern-day rendition of the Nazi eugenicists of the Third Reich. He’s nothing new, just evil recycled under the banner of “the science.”

“The science” has long been aligned with extermination, mass death, genocide / democide and depopulation. mRNA injections have simply given these same anti-human “scientists” a new weapon to assault the human race through needles rather than by shooting them with bullets and dumping their bodies in mass graves.

Now they can murder billions while claiming to be involved in “public health.” The hospitals have been transformed into murder factories, and mainstream doctors are now complicit in genocidal crimes against humanity. But they continue to push forward because, like the Nazi doctors of World War II, they believe they are “superior” human beings who get to decide who lives and who dies.

I cover all this and much more in today’s Situation Update podcast, which details the Nazi influences of globalist leaders like Trudeau and Freeland, who are rapidly turning Canada into a tyrannical dictatorship. Is it just a coincidence that Canada’s covid concentration camps are ready for full operations as extermination / death camp facilities at the same time Trudeau and Freeland are nullifying all civil rights, human rights and due process rights of the Canadian people?

There are no coincidences. This is all part of an actual Nazi plan now being rolled out in Canada (and planned for the entire world).

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