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(Natural News)
Doug Hagmann discussed the betrayal of the U.S. and its people with special guest Steve Quayle during the Sept. 22 edition of his show “The Hagmann Report.”

“We have been betrayed,” said Hagmann, a surveillance specialist. “We have been utterly betrayed by the people with whom or to whom we put our trust in, whether it be voting or whether it be any way.”

Quayle agreed, commenting that America and its citizens are totally a nation and a people betrayed to death.

Hagmann challenged Americans to think about how they have been betrayed on many levels. He cited one example to get the ball rolling – corrupt people using “science” for their own agenda by killing and maiming Americans all in the name of money.

The program host cited the charts of individuals aged 18 to 64 that showed deaths and injuries from the mRNA gene editing therapy dubbed as the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. (Related: CovidVaccineVictims.com documents heartbreaking stories of vaccine injures, deaths.)

Quayle mentioned that a literal war against the American people has been waged, and that infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci will go down as the greatest mass murderer in history.

He quoted investigative journalist Lara Logan, who dubbed Fauci as the current version of Nazi SS officer Josef Mengele. The “Mengele madness” has absolutely taken hold of the American people, with both young people and elderly nursing home residents dropping dead.

Quayle mentioned that aside from the lethal COVID-19 shots, people are also being intentionally starved and put at risk of nuclear war.


Nazis, Chinese have taken control of America

Hagmann recalled that former U.S. President Richard Nixon and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the latter a globalist, opened the door to China via free trade. Presidents such as Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, his son George W. Bush and Barack Obama held the door open, allowing Beijing to subjugate the United States.

“We are giving everything over to the Chinese, including if you use an Apple computer or you have an Apple iPhone that’s made by slave labor over in China. So, everything has been essentially given to our enemies, including the opportunity to take our money willingly to buy products made by the Communist Chinese by slave labor. And many people don’t understand what’s taking place,” Hagmann said.

Quayle pointed out that America has now become a nation of shadows and he said nothing good comes out of the shadows. He also revealed that aside from the Nazis setting up the U.S. space program with Dr. Wernher von Braun and Hermann Oberth at the helm, the banking and pharmaceutical establishments and the biggest industries in America are still controlled by the National Socialists.

Americans are now experiencing a socialist movement and transhumanism, according to Quayle.

Hagmann mentioned that it started with one party controlling the media and the message, deciding what is truth, censoring speech, silencing the opposition, dividing citizens into two factions and calling on their supporters to harass those who oppose them. Good people turning a blind eye and allowing it all to happen are to blame, he said.

Quayle said there are officials in the American government that are on the Chinese payroll, and they are laundering money through different accounts and sovereign wealth funds. He also cited the weapons sales being done and the billions of dollars worth of American state-of-the-art military equipment that have been transferred to the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The author and radio show host added that the majority of the hundreds of billions of dollars given to the Ukrainians are going out the backdoor and everybody involved with Ukraine is getting a kickback. Quayle stressed that the rape, pillage and plunder of America are happening in order to take over the whole country.

Follow Treason.news for more news about the betrayal being committed against America.

Watch the video below to know how America and the American people have been betrayed by its own leaders.

This video is from the Steve Quayle channel on Brighteon.com.

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