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(Natural News)
After killing 5 people and injuring 40 more with his SUV by plowing through a Christmas parade, the alleged mass-murderer Darrell Brooks Jr. was released on a measly $1,000 bond. Brooks has a LONG criminal history and a rap sheet that includes bail-jumping felony charges. Brooks is a repeat offender, who’s been to jail quite frequently (and recently) for domestic abuse, battery, felon in possession of a firearm, recklessly endangering safety, and the list just goes on, but, he’s a Black man and a Trump hater, so it’s not hard to find District Attorneys in America who keep these criminals on the streets at all costs.

Did a mass murderer just get a “get out of jail free” card from Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm?

The Waukesha mass murderer is probably driving another vehicle right now, looking for his next psychotic opportunity, thanks to Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm. The DA’s office is supposed to prosecute for violent crimes and homicide, but obviously if you’re Black and a Trump-hater, you’re free to go, no matter what the crime is, including murder. Think about it. This suspect just committed mass murder and he’s out on $1,000 bond, after previously being arrested before for jumping bail.

If this guy was white and conservative, he’d probably be labeled a white-supremacist, domestic terrorist and held without bail or trial, indefinitely.

Mass Media flips the script and blacks out coverage of SUV parade murders and the guy who BRAGS about being a Left-wing terrorist

To mass media, it doesn’t matter if grandmothers or children were innocently maimed and/or killed, if the perpetrator doesn’t fit the narrative needed for the lopsided “lame-stream” news. Is this a massive FBI/DOJ cover-up of the Waukesha SUV murderer? They’re wiping social media, seizing phones, everything. It’s all a giant cover-up. Is this another criminal trying to avoid serious jail time by working for Soros and causing mayhem at conservative outings?

Time to check those sources, many of which lead back to the Nazi sympathizer and multi-billionaire. In cases like this, there always seems to be that George Soros connection. A big communist “stir of the pot,” so to speak.

Now comes the mass media cover story, that the guy was “escaping” from another crime when he plowed into the parade of children and their grandmothers

Will this guy get off “Scott Free” from the whole murdering, maiming incident because he was simply fleeing the scene of a different atrocity, maybe where other innocents were being mass murdered? Does it really matter if he was? He still drove through a parade and kept going. It’s called catch and release. It’s one of the top tools on the fake news tool belt. This perpetrator will show up for a trial, eventually, and get a year or two in jail, out early for good behavior or “Covid.”

Police are refusing to identify the “person of interest” they are holding, but somehow the AP knows about it. Sure. So they’re checking to see what he was fleeing from first, and meanwhile he’s out on a few hundred bucks bail – this horrible criminal who hasn’t learned one lesson from jail or prison, or the authorities that just set him free, temporarily.

But wait, the Waukesha Police Chief Dan Thompson has no details about anybody, or any motives to speak about, plus no idea if the driver was hit by any of the bullets the officer shot, but also somehow knows that NO BYSTANDERS were wounded. Strange reporting of factoids there, Mr. Thompson, or lack thereof.

Stay tuned for no more news about any of this, because it just doesn’t fit the mass media narrative for gun control, Leftist violence toleration, or forced vaccination. Tune your truth news to HealthFreedom.news for updates on how to stay healthy and safe during these tumultuous times.

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