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(Natural News)
Steve Quayle, a popular radio host and author of books on bioterrorism and weapons of mass destruction, warned the public of another biological release of something even more dangerous than the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And this will lead to pogroms, a violent riot incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group.

“Based on conversations with some bio-weapon designers, we’re going to have another and increasingly dangerous [fake or real] release. And then the vaccines were just happened to be made, which just happened to go to [Anthony] Fauci and [Bill] Gates, and are going to be available,” Quayle said during his appearance on the May 26 episode of “The Hagmann Report.”

“There’s gonna be a lockdown, locked in and a lockout. What I mean by lockout is that in the background, there are absolutely digital passports, which will have everything that you can imagine. Everything you do, everything you buy will be monitored.”

According to Quayle, every voice will be imprinted through phone calls.

“If you get a burner phone, it won’t work. Even if you have a voice changer device. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration owns all of the technology, so you just basically can’t get away from it,” he said, adding that there will also be swarm drones and every form of surveillance. “Each streetlight in America, all 360 million of them, is going to have real-time video and audio.”

Apart from the surveillance, Quayle commented that the looming famine is being orchestrated to shrink the food market. Then, based on one’s social credit score, each person will just be allotted certain amount of food.


He said: “We’re monitoring this systematic takedown of food production. There are farmers that are being paid big bucks by a certain agency to stop planting. Food processing places are being burnt down and chicken farms are being infected with bird flu.”

Quayle reminded the listeners of the show that this is very similar to what the Joseph Stalin regime in the Soviet Union did during the Ukrainian famine.

During the said 1932-33 famine, starving people roamed the countryside, desperate for something, anything to eat. The famine, also known as Holodomor, claimed the lives of 3.9 million people – about 3.8 percent of the total Russian population during that time.

Unlike other famines in history caused by drought, this was caused by a dictator wanting to both replace Ukraine’s small farms with state-run collectives and punish those who posed a threat to his totalitarian authority.

Universal vaccine passport now mandated as part of WHO’s pandemic treaty

The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in long-term “totalitarian” policies and schemes on privacy, data security and even national sovereignty. And so the pogroms begin with the launch of a global vaccination passport system.

World Health Organization (WHO) is about to roll out a worldwide pandemic treaty, in cooperation with Germany’s Deutsche Telekom, to link every person on the planet to a QR code digital ID. Deutsche Telekom is one of the world’s biggest telecommunications corporations.

“This system will be universal, mandatory, transnational, and operated by unelected bureaucrats in a captured non-government organization (NGO), who already bungled the COVID pandemic response,” Brownstone Institute, a non-profit research organization, warned.

The head of WHO’s Digital Health and Innovation Department, Garrett Mehl, said that the QR code-based software solution can also be used during future vaccination campaigns, such as polio or yellow fever.

WHO Health Assembly approved the plan last December. The said assembly was reported to have held only its second session since it was founded in 1948. (Related: World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty spells DOOM for democracy.)

Earlier this year, the U.S. sent amendments to the WHO that would introduce changes to the International Health Regulations, which are binding for all UN member-states. Some of the provisions in the amendments include allowing the WHO to act on a reported outbreak without consulting with states.

Visit Pandemic.news for more news related to disease outbreaks and pandemics.

Watch the full May 26 episode “The Hagmann Report” below.

This video is from the Steve Quayle channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

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