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Cookies policy

What are cookies?

A “cookie” is a small file with browsing information that is downloaded to the user’s computer, tablet or smartphone.

The combined total of cookies from all of our users helps us to improve the quality of our website, letting us identify which pages are useful and which might need to be improved.

There is no way in which cookies can cause damage to your device. On the contrary, their use helps us to identify and solve errors.

What type of cookies does this website use?

Below are details of the types of cookies that are used in the sener.es website and their specific purposes:

Different sources:

  • Our cookies: Cookies that are sent to your device from our own software or domains.
  • Third-party cookies: Cookies that are sent to your device from software or domains not managed by us, but by a collaborating entity. For example, cookies used by social networks or by external content such as Google Maps and Google Analytics.

Different lifespans:

  • Session cookies: temporary cookies stored in your browser’s cookie file until you leave the website, meaning that none of them remain saved in your device’s hard drive. The information obtained from these cookies is used to analyse web traffic patterns. Over time, this enables us to provide you with a better experience by improving the content and making it easier to use.
  • Persistent cookies: These are stored on the hard drive and our website reads them every time you come back. With permanent websites there is a set expiry date. The cookie will stop working past that date.

Different purposes:

  • Technical cookies: These cookies are needed for browsing and the correct functioning of our website. For example, they allow checks on traffic and data communication, the use of security elements, and the storage of content so you can share videos or content on social networks.
  • Personalized cookies: These cookies allow you to use the website with predefined characteristics in accordance with various criteria, for example the language, the type of browser you are using to access the website, the local settings for your location, etc.
  • Analysis cookies: These cookies enable us to quantify the number of users, and thereby measure and statistically analyse their usage of the services provided. To do this, browsing of our website is analysed so we can identify sections that might need to be improved.

How do I delete cookies?

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your device by changing the settings of the browser installed on your device:

User’s responsibilities:

By using this Website, the User expressly agrees to the use of information that is collected; the User also acknowledges awareness of the possibility to refuse the processing of such data or information by blocking Cookies in their browser settings. However, the option of blocking Cookies from the browser may inhibit full use of all of the Website’s functions.

After reading all of the information provided, we inform the User that by continuing to browse our website without taking the appropriate measures to change the browser settings to block the installation of Cookies used by the website, under the terms included in article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and E-Commerce, in accordance with its drafting by RD 13/2012, of 30 March, the User contents to the use of the mechanisms referred to herein.

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