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(Natural News)
Austria recently became the first Western country to force Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” on its citizens. Several Asian countries, meanwhile, have been doing it for a while longer.

Indonesia, for instance, issued a sweeping mandate back in February that denies unvaccinated citizens of access to social assistance and government services. If this is not punishment enough, the non-jabbed also face harsh financial penalties for non-compliance.

In Micronesia, a small island nation of just over 100,000 people, a similar jab requirement is in place. As of July, everyone over the age of 18 must prove that they got jabbed in order to continue receiving federal funding. Most Micronesians, it turns out, rely on federal funding in order to live.

Turkmenistan is another country that made compulsory vaccination a thing back in July, despite claiming to have zero Chinese Virus infections within its borders. Turkmenistan faces accusations of falsifying plandemic data to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Back in November, Costa Rica became the first country in the world to force Fauci Flu injections on children. Officials there announced that the jabs will join the growing list of others that are already required for children to attend school.

“Officials have not announced a lower age limit for the policy and doses for under 12s are expected to arrive in March next year,” reported Forbes. “All shots are greenlit for use in younger children by regulators, mandates are likely to emerge on a local level.”

Forbes shills for Big Pharma, says covid jabs are proven by “abundant scientific evidence”

Writer Robert Hart at Forbes appears to fully endorse all of this. He explains in the “Key Background” section of his article that governments around the world are “turning up the heat on those still refusing to get vaccinated against Covid-19” as if this is a good thing.

“Abundant scientific evidence shows the shots are safe, effective and capable of driving down deaths and hospitalizations,” he claims without any evidence whatsoever to back it.

He further writes that governments are “targeting holdouts with strict measures to boost vaccination rates, including targeted lockdowns, restricting access to public spaces, no longer covering healthcare costs if they contract coronavirus and mandating the shot.”

Hart did, however, use the word “extreme” to describe any such mandates that cover “the entire population.” Instead, the majority of governments are “focused on specific groups,” he says, including “public servants” and “healthcare workers.”

In other words, global fascism has rapidly become the norm to where mainstream media reporters are now casually discussing it as the new standard protocol for keeping people “safe” from scary germs that, quite frankly, have never even been proven to exist.

Much like what happened after 9/11 with the “Patriot Act” under George W. Bush, the “CARES Act,” which was passed by Congress in 2020 and signed by Donald Trump, transformed the world into a medical police state where governments have given themselves the power to tyrannize people using the excuse of “public health.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, the oppressors’ intent is for you to comply with their mandates and commands,” wrote one commenter at Natural News, quoting Louisiana Sheriff Clay Higgins.

“They don’t expect you to comply with their commands until the end of covid. They expect you to comply with their commands until the end of time!”

Another wrote that it is time for mass revolution to put a stop to all this.

“If it does not happen now,” this person further wrote, “it will never happen.”

“There’s nothing like a plandemic to bring out the tyrants,” wrote yet another.

More related news about Chinese Virus injection tyranny can be found at Fascism.news.

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