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Podstawa prawna: Inne uregulowania

Sadovaya Group S.A., a joint stock company under Luxembourg law, with registered office at 13, rue Joseph Junck, L-1839, Luxembourg, registered in the Luxembourg Register of Companies under No. B 153.489, (the “Company”), hereby calls the shareholders of the Company to attend the Ordinary General Meeting, which will be held extraordinary on 16th of March, 2020 at 3.00 p.m. Luxembourg time at the following address: Petro Grygorenko avenue, 23, 22d flour, left side, Kyiv, Ukraine.

According to the Articles of Association of Sadovaya Group S.A. Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held extraordinary shall be held at the registered office of the Company or at such other place as may be specified at the Notice of Meeting. Taking into the account continuous military events in the East of Ukraine where all subsidiaries of the Company are situated the Board of Directors of Sadovaya Group S.A. took the Decision to hold Ordinary General Meeting held extraordinary in Kiev with the following agenda:

1. Permission for to transfer to the external long-term management of subsidiaries, located in the eastern uncontrolled part of Ukraine

6. Miscellaneous.

Important information for participating in the Annual General Meeting of shareholders and all documents/drafts submitted to the Ordinary General Meeting to be held extraordinarily for approval, ratification and/or adoption and draft resolution to be taken are available at the registered office of SADOVAYA GROUP S.A. and on the website of the Company (www.sadovayagroup.com ) from the date of first publication of this notice and until closing of the Ordinary General Meeting held extraordinarily .

Legal grounds: Art.16(2) of the Luxembourg Law of 11 January 2008 relating to the transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market, and Art. 56 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on the public offering, conditions governing the introduction of financial instruments to organised trading system and on public companies.

Więcej na: http://biznes.pap.pl/pl/reports/espi/all,0,0,0,1

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