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(Natural News)
For years, conservatives have seen their content posted on the major social media platforms severely throttled and censored, even though the same platforms claimed that they were not singling out any users based on political ideology.

It didn’t take long for their hypocrisy to be exposed. While some world leaders could call for the deaths of people they didn’t like, others — like former President Donald Trump — were falsely blamed for things they did not do and were summarily kicked off all major platforms.

Other conservatives, especially media outlets, were summarily banned or censored outright over false claims they were ‘spreading misinformation.’ Now, thanks to the stellar work of investigative journalists at The Intercept, we know that the platforms have been working with the federal government’s deep state to censor and ban information that runs afoul of the ‘accepted narratives’ on issues like COVID-19, vaccines, and the 2020 election (which was definitely stolen).

“The Department of Homeland Security is quietly broadening its efforts to curb speech it considers dangerous, an investigation by The Intercept has found,” the outlet said. “Years of internal DHS memos, emails, and documents — obtained via leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, as well as public documents — illustrate an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms.

“The work, much of which remains unknown to the American public, came into clearer view earlier this year when DHS announced a new ‘Disinformation Governance Board’: a panel designed to police misinformation (false information spread unintentionally), disinformation (false information spread intentionally), and malinformation (factual information shared, typically out of context, with harmful intent) that allegedly threatens U.S. interests,” the report continued.


“While the board was widely ridiculed, immediately scaled back, and then shut down within a few months, other initiatives are underway as DHS pivots to monitoring social media now that its original mandate — the war on terror — has been wound down,” the report added.

The outlet went on to report that this big tech-deep state collusion runs deep and has been occurring at least since Trump was elected. In fact, it would be safe to suggest that the collusion deepened under Trump, despite the fact that as president, he is in charge of the same executive branch agencies that were undermining him.

“Platforms have got to get comfortable with gov’t. It’s really interesting how hesitant they remain,” Microsoft executive Matt Masterson, a former DHS official, texted Jen Easterly, a DHS director, in February.

CharlieKirk.com noted further:

Much of the focus, according to The Intercept, has been on the federal government’s efforts to clamp down on ‘Russian disinformation,’ but these efforts have clearly gone too far and appear to have a political bias. The New York Post’s pre-2020 election revelations about Hunter Biden’s allegedly corrupt business deals and other illegalities that seemed to loop in his father, then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, were censored by the big tech platforms (and many intelligence officials) as “Russian disinformation” though it clearly was not.

“We looked at really hundreds of documents that paint a vivid picture of the [Federal Bureau of Investigation], the [Department of Homeland Security] closely collaborating with the top social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook, to censor various forms of content under the banner of fighting disinformation,” one of the investigative reporters, Lee Fang, told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Monday night following the publication of the report.

At least there is pushback on the government’s efforts to censor Americans through social media.

In May, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who is also the GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate, filed a lawsuit that seeks to expose the extent of the Biden regime’s collusion with the big tech platforms to unconstitutionally silence users.

Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University law school professor who has written about the suit, said, according to The Intercept, “there is growing evidence that the legislative and executive branch officials are using social media companies to engage in censorship by surrogate.”

“It is axiomatic that the government cannot do indirectly what it is prohibited from doing directly. If government officials are directing or facilitating such censorship, it raises serious First Amendment questions,” Turley added.

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