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(Natural News)
A report has found that at least 80 percent of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths and hospitalizations in Australia – about four in five cases – are among vaccinated individuals. The report came amid Australia experiencing a surge in COVID-19 deaths, thrice that of fatalities before the vaccines became widely available.

This surprising finding first appeared in a report by the government of New South Wales (NSW). Authorities in the eastern Australian state pointed this out in the Feb. 8 edition of their Weekly COVID-19 Surveillance Report. They scrutinized COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in NSW from Nov. 26, 2021 until Jan. 22.

NSW logged a total of 540,330 COVID-19 infections during the aforementioned period. Out of this total, 467,558 completed their vaccination schedule while 72,772 did not get injected. This amounted to almost 87 percent of fully vaccinated people getting infected, while only 13 percent of unvaccinated contracted COVID-19.

A total of 6,475 New South Welshmen were hospitalized due to COVID-19 in that period. Of this total, 5,653 people – 87 percent – were injected with the vaccine. The remaining 822 – a measly 13 percent – of hospitalized COVID-19 patients were unvaccinated.

This also reflected in the number of COVID-19 deaths as per the report. It said 421 people lost their lives to the disease during the time period. Vaccinated people made up 77 percent (323) of the reported COVID-19 deaths in NSW, while the remaining 23 percent (98) were unvaccinated. (Related: 6 Out of 7 new COVID-19 deaths in New South Wales were VACCINATED.)


More than 92 percent of New South Welshmen aged 12 and older had been fully vaccinated as of Jan. 22, with the highest rates found among those above 50 years of age at 95 percent. Meanwhile, 33.5 percent of NSW’s population aged 18 and older had received booster doses.

Unvaccinated individuals are restricted despite comprising the minority of cases

Based on the figures, it appears that the COVID-19 vaccine is not effective in addressing the disease it purports to prevent. If anything, it shows that NSW – and Australia at large – is in the midst of a “pandemic of the vaccinated.”

Given that the unvaccinated only comprise a low percentage of cases, it would be more prudent to restrict the movement of the fully vaccinated. However, even authorities in NSW are choosing to bury their head in the sand and insist on more COVID-19 restrictions for those refusing the shots.

Back in September 2021, the state had a similar case in which six out of seven people who died of COVID-19 were injected with the vaccine. Three of the six casualties received one vaccine dose while the other three received two.

“We announced the deaths of seven people who had lost their lives to COVID-19. One person was not vaccinated, three people had received one dose of the COVID vaccine and three people had received two doses,” explained NSW Deputy Chief Health Officer Dr. Marianne Gale.

The revelation by Gale came amid former NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro threatening unvaccinated New South Welshmen that they would lose their freedoms unless they get the COVID-19 shot. “There will be individuals in regional NSW who choose not to be vaccinated [who] will lose their freedoms on [Oct. 11]. The message to the unvaccinated is that you will not achieve any further freedom unless you get vaccinated.”

Barilaro later stepped down from the deputy premiership in December 2021.

A month before his resignation, he delivered a speech that called for people to show kindness to each other – an ironic remark considering his earlier threats toward those refusing the COVID-19 jab.

“I will give you all one piece of advice: Be kind to each other. If we have learned anything over the past two years, it is to be kind to each other,” Barilaro said on Nov. 24.

More related stories:

New South Wales will keep vaccinating residents against COVID-19 for YEARS to come, says state’s top doctor.

Dr. Chant: COVID will be with us “forever,” people will have to “get used to” endless booster vaccines.

New South Wales bans unvaccinated Aussies from drinking alcohol while standing at weddings.

Fully vaccinated individuals make up majority of COVID cases and hospitalizations in NSW.

Australian state mulls banning unvaccinated people from “high-risk” venues.

Watch the video below about Barilaro’s threat toward the unvaccinated.

This video is from the TNTVNEWS channel on Brighteon.com.

Check out Pandemic.news for more stories like this.

Sources include:


Health.NSW.gov.au [PDF]




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