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(Natural News)
Back in April, we warned you that a nefarious agenda was afoot that seeks to destroy the agricultural food chain and starve out the country. Now, that warning is being confirmed by the industry itself.

The latest reports suggest that animal feed users throughout the Southwest and West Coast are on the verge of completely running out of this critical input. Should that happen – and they are saying it might in a matter of days – then animals like cows, chickens, pigs and turkeys will starve to death.

If that happens, then people will starve to death, too, because these are animals raised for human nourishment. If the railroads stop delivering animal feed to companies like Tyson Foods, then you can expect more empty shelves at the grocery store and a hungry tummy.

“What I’m hearing from our members is fewer equipment issues and that the equipment and engines seem to be not breaking down, but the train times – the amount of time it’s taking to get the trains – and the reliability of receiving them is still quite a problem in quite a few areas of the country,” says Mike Seyfert, president and CEO of the National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA).

This really is the biblical end of days

Again, we predicted all this back in the spring when the railroads first started declaring a “force majeure.” The plan, we said, was to deny food producers the inputs they need to continue growing and raising food that we all rely on to live.

It was just a “conspiracy theory” back then, of course, but now it is a reality. We are witnessing in real time the controlled demolition of not only our food supply but then entire global economy, piece by piece and brick by brick.


Right during the peak of the spring planting season, CF Industries, a fertilizer supplier, announced that Union Pacific (UP) railroad was halting the delivery of its fertilizer products as part of an alleged “railroad-mandated shipping reductions [will] result in nitrogen fertilizer shipment delays during the spring application season and that it [will] be unable to accept new rail sales involving Union Pacific for the foreseeable future.”

One of only 30 companies to face these restrictions, CF Industries essentially spilled the beans about how America’s food infrastructure is being demolished on purpose and blamed on viruses, shortages and other made-up phenomena.

A few weeks back, feed and poultry producers in California essentially begged for relief from the federal government, urging regulators to issue an emergency service order prioritizing grain shipments to livestock farmers.

“The point has been reached when millions of chickens will be killed and other livestock will suffer because of UP’s service failures,” wrote dairy cattle, chicken and turkey giant Foster Farms in a request to the Surface Transportation Board (STB).

“These service failures, which began in February 2022, have resulted in numerous instances where Foster Farms has suspended its production and distribution of feed for tens of thousands of dairy cattle and tens of millions of chickens and turkeys which consume corn meal supplied by Foster Farms,” the company added.

Foster Farms says it has had to incur “considerable costs in an increasingly desperate and futile attempt to try to find alternative means and transportation modes to obtain and ship the huge quantities corn its facilities must have each week that UP delivered in the past with reasonable regularity but has demonstrated, without any doubt, that it can no longer do so for the indefinite future under its current operating plans and priorities.”

More of the latest news about the engineered collapse of the food supply can be found at FoodCollapse.com.

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