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(Natural News)
It is becoming difficult to keep count of how many times Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) has tried to eliminate dietary supplement health freedom in the United States, but what we do know is that he is at it again.

S.4090, also known as the Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022, is quietly making its way through the legislative process. And it is imperative that We the People tell our representatives to vote no on this atrocious bill, which the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH-USA) warns will make it much easier for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to eliminate dietary supplements – and especially those that threaten high-profit pharmaceutical drugs.

Durbin tried but failed in 2012 to ramrod this same type of legislation through Congress. He has tried again and again and again to get it passed in the years since, but to no avail.

With a highly stacked Congress due to election fraud, however, the threat of S.4090 passing is perhaps greater than ever. ANH-USA and other advocacy groups were successful at stripping another bill concerning FDA drug user fees of the same type of mandatory product listing for supplements found in S.4090, but there is still more work to do.

“According to sources, Sen. Durbin’s bad supplement policy is still being considered for inclusion in another government spending bill that must be approved by December 16th,” ANH-USA warns. “It is imperative that we keep up the pressure in Congress against this terrible policy!

If you support health freedom, tell your representatives to do the same by opposing S.4090

What S.4090 would do is make dietary supplements much harder to purchase by giving the FDA the ability to impose tight restrictions on availability and dosage size. The agency could decide that only a certain number of milligrams is acceptable per dose of, say, vitamin C, resulting in subpar efficacy.


S.4090 would also give the FDA free rein to axe certain supplements entirely if they are deemed to be chipping away at Big Pharma’s profit margins. Since the pharmaceutical industry is the FDA’s primary source of funding, you can be sure this conflict of interest would result in the elimination of healing compounds you rely on for health and wellness.

“We’ve argued that mandatory product registration is a prelude to eliminating high-dose dietary supplements, as the European Union is in the process of doing, and throttling innovation in the supplement sector that delivers American consumers a diverse array of cutting-edge products that support health,” says ANH-USA.

The group has created an easy-to-use module for quickly sending an email message to your representatives. It contains an already-filled-in form with the most important details, but it is even better if you customize the message to give it a more personal tone.

Perhaps you can explain to your representatives how dietary supplements have helped you and your family stay well, or maybe you know someone else whose life was changed for the better with easy access to healing nutrients that would otherwise be less or not at all available if the FDA is allowed to interfere.

Dietary supplements, including natural plants and herbs, continue to be Big Pharma’s biggest competition, which is why the industry continues to push Congress to make them less accessible to Americans. Do not let them take away health!

Here is the form you can use to tell Congress to vote NO on S.4090. Filling it out takes just a few minutes and it is well worth your time to save dietary supplements from being put under the full control of the highly corrupt FDA.

If you would like to learn more about how dietary supplements may help you to improve your health, be sure to check out NaturalMedicine.news.

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