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(Natural News)
The latest excuse to explain away runaway inflation is climate change, according to The Atlantic.

Writer Robinson Meyer contends that prices are soaring not because of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies, which include endless fiat money printing, but rather because of “extreme weather and energy uncertainty.”

Meyer calls this made-up phenomenon “greenflation,” describing it as a “new era of climate-driven inflation” in America. (Related: OSHA is also now using climate change to try to justify mask mandates and other forms of covid fascism.)

Over the past year, consumer prices have skyrocketed by 7 percent, the fastest rate in nearly 40 years. Corrupt monetary policies imposed during the last administration as well as the current one are clearly to blame, however Meyer blames global warming.

Shortages of food and other consumer goods are also a result of climate change, according to Meyer, not the government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates and other fascist policies that delivered a death blow to supply chains.

“For years, scientists and economists have warned that climate change could cause massive shortages of major commodities, such as wine, chocolate, and cereals,” Meyer contends.

“Financial regulators have cautioned against a ‘disorderly transition,’ in which the world commits only haphazardly to leaving fossil fuels, so it does not invest enough in their zero-carbon replacements. In an economy as prosperous and powerful as America’s, those problems are likely to show up – at least at first – not as empty grocery shelves or bankrupt gas stations but as price increases.”


The ongoing global economic collapse is a controlled demolition, and “climate change” is the scapegoat

Oil and gas prices have also been soaring ever since fake “president” Joe Biden took office, and Meyer blames that, too, on “unprecedented weather disasters.”

The same goes for lumber prices, which Meyer says “is a climate story.” Climate change-aggravated disasters “including a multiyear outbreak of bark-eating beetles, back-to-back record-breaking fire seasons, and a massive November flood that washed out rail lines,” Meyer writes, have somehow caused the wood used for building to become largely unaffordable.

The Atlantic apparently has no understanding – or is deliberately shrouding the issue – about how fiat currency works. Not once did Meyer mention it, even though this is the biggest elephant in the room when it comes to runaway inflation.

Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden – as well as many presidents before them – printed unprecedented amounts of new cash to inject into the current corrupt system in order to keep it afloat.

All of this printing dilutes the money supply while eating away at Americans’ buying power. This combined with all of the covid tyranny has basically pulled the plug on the current “old world order” economic system.

It is only a matter of time before the whole thing collapses into dust, and in the meantime, while the dominoes fall one by one, the corporate-backed media is trying to get ahead of the narrative by blaming it all on climate change.

One thing that Meyer did get right is that in order to even attempt to fix the current quagmire, the Fed would need to raise interest rates and do it immediately. This would probably crash the current bubble economy resulting in a Wall Street meltdown, but this is what has to happen.

Meyer does, however, insist that America “will need more than higher interest rates to bring balance to supply and demand.”

“Greenflation is not caused by weather events but rather by policies that restrict energy supply and impose direct as well as indirect hidden taxes on energy,” suggested someone at Climate Depot.

More related news can be found at Twisted.news.

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