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It’s funny how some liberal commentators are crying foul at Tusk’s much needed public media reform. They want the beast slain, but are upset by the sight of blood.

Opinie publikowane w naszym serwisie wyrażają poglądy osób piszących i nie muszą odzwierciedlać stanowiska redakcji

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.* And all because they watched ten minutes of TVP.

It’s funny how some liberal commentators are crying foul at Tusk’s much needed public media reform. They want the beast slain, but are upset by the sight of blood. Please kill the nasty monster, only don’t use a knife.. That’ll do the trick. Eight years under the PiS jackboot and the penny still hasn’t dropped; Law and Justice don’t really believe in law and justice. Kaminski. Wasik. Land grabs across the country. Insider trading. Ziobro. Perhaps Crime and Punishment would have been a far better party name.

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