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In the end, when the fog of war has cleared and the white noise of recrimination and justice has eased to a distant drumbeat murmur, can we at least try to ensure that Poland’s legacy is something more than, “…they’re racist…” Can we? Or will the Poles ease back into a collective shoulder shrug and accept the vicissitudes cast upon them by the international community? We are all guilty of wanting to believe the worst, a trait promoted by the very machinations of daily media, be it Wyborcza or Fakt, have no doubt there is not an editor in the world who ignores the dictates of “If It Bleeds It Leads.” History is many things, chiefly a generator of tabloid headlines. How else do you explain there being far less scholarly articles written about “forgotten” Polish hero Paweł Strzelecki who saved thousands of lives during Ireland’s Great Hunger of 1845-52, than say Kazimierz Pulaski?

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