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 2020 will be remembered long from now as the year of Covid-19. Two million dead worldwide. Economies brought to their knees. The virus exposed not only inequalities, but the strengths and weaknesses of individual countries. South-Korea, Japan and Taiwan took on the virus and effectively beat it. Their mature and intelligent approach paid off. At the other end of the spectrum, we had Britain, America and Poland, who collectively morphed into an international comedy act, displaying levels of buffoonery not seen since Boris Yeltsin was given a tour of the Kaliningrad vodka factory.

The Trump/Johnson/Kaczynski Axis of Idiocy allowed the virus to take control and cause thousands upon thousands of needless deaths. Britain in particular, should serve as a warning to anyone who harbours witless notions of Polexit. The continental blockade currently imposed on Boris Johnson’s kingdom is a taste of what life will be like for the British public under Brexit. The ports are closed. Tens of kilometres of trucks are stranded on the country’s motorways. There are shortages of fruit and vegetables.

Britain’s hubris, their failure to take the virus seriously, mirrors the inexcusable blunderings of PiS who squandered the breathing space afforded to them in the summer. Desperate to regain control over the Presidential office, they chose to prepare for Covid’s second wave by declaring war on gatherings of people carrying rainbow flags and playing John Lennon’s “Imagine.” It makes you think what kind of levels of self-awareness we were dealing with in 2020. As the news reports rolled in of women being beaten, gay men being humiliated and doctors being ostracized, did it dawn on anyone in the PiS hierarchy that they might actually be the bad guys?

Probably not. Even the SS Stormtroopers thought they were fighting the good fight. Spare a thought for the gay people living in the LGBT free zones and the kind of choice they are

faced with: emigrate, keep their heads down – or fight back. Spare a thought too, for anyone who has to spend more than ten minutes with Gazeta Polska editor Tomasz Sakiewicz. This is a man who upon meeting a BBC journalist, Lucy Ash, gave her a sticker of a rainbow flag with a black cross through it. “We gave out 70,000 of these,” said Sakiewicz. “And people congratulated us because we Poles love freedom.”

In many ways, 2020 was the year of viruses. Teachers and students found themselves from October onwards being infected by the dreaded Czarnek-20. Much like the medieval siege war method, wherein a rotting plague corpse was catapulted over the castle walls, the new Minister of Education was hurled on an unsuspecting public. Bloated and spewing a concoction of vile poisons, a cordon sanitaire was placed around the festering carcass. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, no vaccine has yet proved to be effective for fighting Czarnek-20.

The biggest non-covid story of the year was the government’s decision to ban abortion even in the event of fatal foetal abnormalities. Shocked by the backlash, the government has delayed the ban, putting doctors and women in limbo. Pawel Jablonski, Renfield to Morawiecki’s Dracula, said the government had picked the right fight because they were intent on saving lives. I don’t often use the word “hero”, but it takes some kind of bravery on behalf of the journalist interviewing him to listen to bullshit that would make most peoples’ head explode.

Well done Pawel. If making a woman carry a child with no vital organs to full term is how he earns his salary, then it goes some way to understanding what exactly motivates the Dark Lord Rydzyk who ended 2020 by condoning clerical phedofilia. As ABBA said, Money, Money, Money. For the right price, PiS will happily drag Poland further into the gutter and it begs the question, with the benefit of hindsight, would I have come back?

Oh yes. And I’m not leaving until the evil empire is pulled to the ground.

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