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(Natural News)
A story that went viral among Democrats because it seemed to support the sob story narrative of the loss of Roe v. Wade has been exposed as a fake.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost told “Jesse Watters Primetime,” a show on Fox News, that there is “not a whisper anywhere” about any 10-year-old girl who was supposedly raped, got pregnant and is now having to travel out of Ohio to nearby Indiana to get an abortion.

The story was meant to provoke outrage against the Supreme Court for being so mean to this poor child that she is now having to go well out of her way to have her unborn baby murdered, all because she was deprived of her “right to choose.”

It turns out that the story was completely made-up, despite traveling far and wide throughout the corporate-controlled media. Even fake president Joe Biden referenced it, failing to realize that it was a fictitious tale.

“We have a decentralized law enforcement system in Ohio, but we have regular contact with prosecutors and local police and sheriffs,” Yost explained about how his office would know about the case if it was actually real.

“Any case like this, you’re going to have a rape kit, you’re going to have biological evidence, and you would be looking for DNA analysis, which we do most of the DNA analysis in Ohio. There is no case request for analysis that looks anything like this.”

Yost went on to reveal that he knows full well how things work in his state between prosecutors and police officers, and that something like this would not be some unsubstantiated mystery if it actually happened as the Democrats claim.


“There’s not one of them that wouldn’t be turning over every rock in their jurisdiction if they had the slightest hint that this occurred there,” Yost said about his state’s public servants.

Will the Indianapolis Star publish a retraction about its fake news story?

The Indianapolis Star first reported on the alleged case, citing a local OB-GYN by the name of Dr. Caitlin Bernard who supposedly had been contacted four days prior to the story’s publishing about an Ohio “child abuse doctor” who allegedly saw the pregnant child.

The child was supposedly six weeks and three days pregnant at the time, which was three days too late to qualify for an abortion in Ohio under the state’s new “trigger” laws, which came into effect immediately upon the nullification of Roe v. Wade.

Bernard supposedly took responsibility for the girl’s care, but never specified whether or not she actually got an abortion. The Star also failed to identify the doctor who supposedly told Bernard about the case in the first place.

“… Bernard appeared to be the only source for the story,” according to the New York Post.

Under Ohio law, physicians are required to report any cases they know or become aware of involving suspected child abuse or neglect, including “suffering any physical or mental wound [or] injury.”

“We don’t know who the originating doctor in Ohio was, if they even exist,” Yost told Watters. “But the bottom line is, it is a crime – if you’re a mandated reporter – to fail to report.”

It remains unclear as to whether or not the Star plans to double down in defense of its unsubstantiated story or issue a retraction, admitting that it failed to fact check its contents before allowing the story to be published and go viral.

There are sure to be plenty more fake news stories that get circulated by Democrats in support of baby murder. To keep up with the latest about them, visit Propaganda.news.

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