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It has played a vital part in the transformation of the Polish economy, proving valuable not only to organizations but also contributing to the development of local economies: their businesses, employees, communities, and suppliers.

The sector has grown from 10K jobs in 2003, to more than 307K employees in 2019, according to the report: “Business Services Sector in Poland 2019”, prepared by ABSL. The sector accounted for more than 3% of Polish GDP in 2018. This impressive growth has enabled Poland to strengthen its standing among the world’s three most important locations for business services centre investment. In fact, Poland leads the field in Europe, where she is No 1.

źródło: DGP

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 brought about a transformation into more advanced, technology-based processes, which require more and more highly skilled people. According to a 2019 ABSL report, 60% of all processes served out of Poland – thanks to excellent competencies and high quality – were described as sophisticated (knowledge-intensive).

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According to Professor Tomasz Rostkowski at the Warsaw School of Economics and data collected from ABSL member companies, the growing number of high value added jobs in the sector are all positions that require high expertise, together with strong decision making and analytical skills. Some jobs in accounting, human resources, or IT back in 2003 were relatively basic, but over time this has changed, largely due to the high quality of work, attitude, and creativity of Polish employees looking for new solutions and areas of improvement. Polish business specialists have gained an excellent reputation. Today, many of them are in senior positions and play an important role in global business. We should expect further dynamic growth of the business services sector. Entrepreneurship, flexibility, and fast learning will stay the key drivers of industry development. Growing efficiency and comple … czytaj dalej

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