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(Natural News)
The administration of President Joe Biden is planning to create a database of every American who has sought an exemption to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine requirements.

The Department of Commerce recently proposed the regulation, which would create a record of every single unvaccinated American who has gotten a medical exemption to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. This follows a similar proposal that would have tracked unvaccinated Americans who sought religious exemptions.

“Requests for ‘medical accommodation’ or ‘medical exceptions’ will be treated as requests for a disability accommodation and evaluated and decided under applicable Rehabilitation Act standards for reasonable accommodation absent undue hardship to the agency,” reads the Commerce Department’s proposed new rule, which it submitted to the Federal Register.

“The agency will be required to keep confidential any medical information provided, subject to the applicable Rehabilitation Act standards. This medical exemption form is necessary for Commerce to determine legal exemptions to the vaccine requirement under the Rehabilitation Act.” (Related: Biden regime plans to continue pursuing COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses despite Supreme Court ban.)

A spokesperson for the Office of Management and Budget, which oversees the regulations placed on the Federal Register, claimed that the government’s proposed database will have measures in place to protect the privacy of unvaccinated employees with exemptions.


“To process an employee’s medical exception, agencies need to collect certain information, including, for example, the employee’s name, the request for an exception and, if they are provided one, that they have been granted an exception,” said the spokesperson in a statement.

Proposal met with intense criticism from Republicans

The federal government’s proposal was immediately met with criticism, especially from congressional Republicans.

“President Biden must rescind his unconstitutional COVID-19 vaccine mandates,” wrote House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona in a statement. “Any effort to systematically track requested exemptions from the mandates should be opposed. The Biden administration must allow individual Americans to make their own healthcare decisions regarding COVID-19.”

“First it was tracking religious dissenters, now it is those who – for the best interest of their health – are advised not to get the COVID-19 vaccine,” commented Rep. Chip Roy of Texas. “This is just the latest addition to the ever-growing list of abuses from an administration hellbent on imposing medical tyranny on the American people.”

Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin pointed out that the Commerce Department’s new rule would undermine the liberty of employees everywhere.

“Treating COVID-19 medical exemptions as “disability accommodations” shows how little the Biden administration and the COVID gods value liberty and informed consent,” he said.

Johnson is the most vocal opponent of COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the Senate. “No one should be coerced or pressured into receiving any medical treatment, and putting federal employees who seek medical exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccine on a list and labeling their private medical decisions degrades the health autonomy of all federal employees.”

More related stories:

Report: Federal agencies are making a list of Americans who claim religious exemptions on COVID vaccines.

Is the Biden regime gearing up to commit mass genocide against Christians?

80 Republicans just reportedly voted to fund a federal vaccine database designed to spy on Americans.

Listen to this Situation Update episode of the Health Ranger Report, a podcast by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as he talks about how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is creating a database of households that have unvaccinated children.

This video can be found on the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

Learn more about the attempts to track unvaccinated Americans by reading the latest articles at Vaccines.news.

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