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(Natural News)
Following the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic of 2020, another infectious disease known as monkeypox has emerged. However, the monkeypox scare appears to be just another “plandemic” as governments managed to secure vaccines for it in record time.

Doctors in at least eight nations, including the U.S., are now treating patients infected with the disease – which is related to smallpox. The first confirmed case of monkeypox in the U.S. was found in a man from Massachusetts, and doctors in New York also began looking into another possible case there.

Community transmission is likely, doctors say, as some cases involve patients with no travel history to a country where monkeypox is endemic.

“Most sites [of monkeypox] outbreaks have been in Central and West Africa – like Nigeria for example – and sporadic cases in travelers in the U.S.,” Dr. Peter Chin-Hong of the University of California San Francisco said.

Monkeypox cases have also been identified in the United Kingdom, with the U.K. Health Security Agency identifying 11 infected patients. The country’s health authorities urged Britons with “unusual rashes or lesions on any part of their body, especially genitalia” to get in touch with the National Health Service at the soonest.

According to Dr. Michael Head of the University of Southampton, those infected with monkeypox typically have “fever, headache, some nausea and prominent skin wounds – the boils and the scabs that appear.”

Both the U.S. and U.K. announced that they have obtained vaccines to use against monkeypox in the same manner as how they addressed COVID-19.


The U.S. government has ordered monkeypox vaccines worth $119 million for 13 million Americans, while the U.K. Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced the procurement of “safe and effective” vaccines against the new infectious disease.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, monkeypox was first found in 1958 in monkeys kept for research. The first human case was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo amid an effort to eliminate smallpox in the country.

Monkeypox another “plandemic” to subdue the population

The monkeypox scare seems like another “plandemic” designed to instill fear and subdue the population two years after COVID-19 reared its head. It also appeared to line up with predictions from Microsoft co-founder and vaccine advocate Bill Gates. (Related: Monkeypox just the latest engineered distraction as controlled demolition of human civilization accelerates.)

During an interview, Gates reiterated the need to be prepared for future pandemics that may break out.

“We have to make sure that we’re ready, because there will be another pandemic. There’s so many lessons about how we weren’t prepared [and] how we should have handled things differently. You know, when [those are] clearly in our mind, those investments need to be made,” he said.

“We [also] have to bring this [COVID-19 pandemic] to end, primarily by getting the vaccine out in large numbers to the entire world.”

The 2021 annual letter from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, run by the technocrat and his former wife, pointed out that the pandemic served as a defining moment for this generation.

“Just as WWII led to greater cooperation between countries to protect the peace and prioritize the common good, we think that the world has an important opportunity to turn the hard-won lessons of this pandemic into a healthier, more equal future for all,” the letter added.

Ultimately, Gates had been predicting the emergence of a pandemic since 2015. “If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus. If we start now, we can be ready for the next epidemic,” he said at the time.

Watch the video below that touches on monkeypox and how it lines up with Gates’ prediction.

This video is from the channel The Prisoner on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Bill Gates’ global agenda and how we can stop the machine and defend our humanity.

Gates Foundation leading the way in eugenics depopulation plan to rid the world of humans.

RIGGED: Government spends $119 million for monkeypox vaccines following ONE confirmed case in US.

New engineered pandemic: US buys millions of vaccines as monkeypox outbreak hits Europe and North America.

Here we go again: MONKEYPOX is the next “scariant” being unleashed on the world to demand vaccine compliance.

Sources include:



GatesNotes.com [PDF]

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