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(Natural News)
Lawyer Tony Renz shared alarming data on the medical history of the U.S. military since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) scourge broke out. Renz cited some specifics that should merit serious concern from the military’s top brass, the federal government and the Americans in general.

Some of the details shared by Renz include a 1,000 percent increase in nerve neurological issues in one year over the five-year average; female infertility going up 471 percent; male infertility going up 354 percent; congenital malformations or birth defects going up by 155 percent; and cases of a disease that Renz can’t pronounce but that breaks down the muscles increasing by 723 percent. Multiple sclerosis is also on the list that is so long it took Renz a minute to look at it.

These figures, Renz told “ReFounding America” host Peter Breggin on January 26, were provided by military scientists, army physicians and medical professionals who were brave enough to come out and reveal that things are really much worse in the service from the vaccines than anybody has seen.

These whistleblowers say the situation “far outstrips the already terrifying results of reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS] of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC].”

“It’s terrible what they’re doing to our soldiers, these are men and women who volunteered their lives to save our country and keep us safe. And now, that’s not enough. They have to be ordered to take these experimental injections that are just absolutely deadly and dangerous,” said Renz.


Military vaccination order comes from the top

According to the informants themselves, the order to force these jabs is coming from the top.

“And not only is it coming from the top, but the top has made it very clear that if you’re not willing, you’re going to face reprimand. I mean, we see soldiers being court-martialed. We’ve seen them being thrown out of the military, their careers being destroyed, demotions, all sorts of things,” said Renz. “So they’ve made it 100 percent clear that you’re going to shut up and take your jab or we’re going to do something to you.” (Related: Nation’s security at risk due to Biden’s illegal vaccine mandate.)

The U.S. military members who haven’t been vaccinated against COVID-19 are starting to feel the consequences.

Disciplinary actions are being imposed and the Air Force was the first to announce dismissals, saying it had discharged 27 people who refused to get the vaccine. The Marines followed, saying it had discharged 103 troops. The Army has reprimanded 2,700 soldiers with discharge proceedings underway, while the Navy is set to start administrative separations for the unvaccinated.

Joining the fray, the Pentagon has also required all National Guard members to get vaccinated but drew objections. Republican governors from five states wrote to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin arguing that the Pentagon didn’t have the authority to discharge Guard members for vaccine evaders. As the crackdown intensifies, thousands more active-duty soldiers might be forced out in the coming months.

Although thousands of soldiers sought medical exemptions, only a few were granted. Fortunately, there are soldiers who can’t be intimidated.

It was a blessing, too, that Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsibn sided with them and took President Joe Biden and the top military brass to task about why emergency use authorization COVID-19 vaccines are being mandated for U.S. service members.

Renz also alleged that the mainstream media is trying to block the story out and cover it up, but expressed confidence the truth will eventually come out as some of the whistleblowers are willing to come out and tell the world what’s really happening inside the U.S. military.

More related stories:

ACT OF WAR: Thanks to covid “vaccines,” the military’s cancer rate has more than TRIPLED.

Air Force rejects requests from soldiers seeking exemptions from covid vaccine mandate.

National security alert: Marines say Biden’s vaccine mandate akin to “political purge.”

Watch the full January 26 episode of “ReFounding America” below. Catch new episodes of the program every Wednesday at 6-7 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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