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(Natural News)
There is an old saying that goes something like, “If you go around watching what you say, you’ll never get much said.”

The meaning is simple: You should not be more concerned about hurting someone’s feelings than speaking your mind, especially in America, where our speech is (supposed to be) guaranteed and protected.

But increasingly, the Marxist left operating through the Democrat Party is clamping down on our First Amendment right to expression especially when it comes to overt displays of “America First” patriotism, under the phony guise that such displays might ‘offend’ a few people (or even a lot of people).

That is especially true at our country’s public schools, which have long been dominated by America-hating leftists who believe our country is systemically racist, irredeemably bad and premised on “colonialism” (as though the United States is the only country ever founded by people not from here originally or through conquest).

One of the most recent examples comes from Washington state, where officials at a local high school forbade any remembrance of the 9/11 attacks, the worst terrorist assault in our country’s history that left nearly 3,000 of our citizens dead, leveled a global financial icon in the twin towers of the World Trade Center, and struck at the heart of our national security, the Pentagon.

Jason Rantz, a talk show host in Seattle, noted at KTTH:

Students of a local high school were ready to wear red, white, and blue to honor the lives lost on Sept. 11. But school staff pulled the plug, concerned the expression could be racially insensitive and offend some people.

At Eastlake High School in Sammamish, student leadership promoted a Patriot’s Day theme at a football game at Memorial Stadium against Rainier Beach. The game was previously canceled, then rescheduled to the day before the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks. Students wanted to do something to remember the tragic events. But staff intervened.

An email shared with Rantz’s radio program notes that the principal claimed wearing the nation’s colors may “unintentionally cause offense to some who see it differently.”

Rantz said that many students were upset by the principal’s decision, and some parents speculated “school officials thought their majority-minority opponents would be offended by American pride.”

Interestingly, the students at the high school weren’t even born when 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners on Sept. 11, 2001, slamming two of them into both World Trade Center towers and a third into the Pentagon. The fourth airliner was believed to be heading for the White House but passengers on board overpowered the hijacker pilots and the plane crashed into a field in western Pennsylvania near Shanksville.

But it’s the blatant attempt to change history and attack our culture that is most offensive: The left believes our country was founded on racist colonialism so no matter what kind of progress we’ve made since in terms of living up to the full extent of the Constitution, it’s not good enough. America needs to be ‘reimagined’ and specifically, that means the introduction of a political ideology that is 180 degrees the polar opposite of small ‘r’ republicanism our founders adopted, which focuses on individual liberty and rights.

Oh, and believing that our country, our people, our culture, and our way of life should come before all others.

“At this point, I was fairly upset and confused as to why the theme was changed so I went around asking students in our leadership,” a student told the Jason Rantz Show last week. “They had explained that red, white, and blue was going to be seen as racially insensitive and may affect people in a way that we will not understand and for that reason that we were to change our theme.”

Our children are our future; if we allow the left to turn them against their own country, America will cease to exist as founded.

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