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(Natural News)
Newly reelected Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted critics of former President Donald Trump for the lack of a “red wave” of GOP House and Senate wins, calling them “lazy” while going on to point out all the work and time he put into getting GOP candidates elected.

In an appearance on Steve Bannon’s popular “War Room” podcast, the Georgia Republican called those critics “lazy” for their default blaming of Trump rather than focus on real issues that likely led to the underwhelming performance.

“Now, they’re trying to blame President Trump today. And I want to tell you how shortsighted and ridiculous that is, it is pathetic the people that are running out saying it’s his fault. No, that is a lazy, pathetic, wimpy, easy mindset,” Greene said.

“They just want one thing, and then they want to carry on without doing the hard work – the real changes in the Republican Party and the way we fight the fight,” she continued.

“Here’s why it’s not Trump’s fault. Trump has been politically persecuted for the past few years now, ever since January 6th. He went out and did 30 ‘Save America’ rallies all over the country, he endorsed something like 285 candidates. He held over 50 fundraisers, helped raise over $350 million for all these public tax patients,” she added.

“President Trump, isn’t the problem. President Trump is doing everything he can to help Republicans across the country and help Republicans win while he is being already politically persecuted worse than any human being in our country’s history,” Greene, a major ally of Trump’s and a fundraising giant within the party in her own right, added.


“That’s the real truth. People that want to blame Trump, they are lazy. And that’s the problem. We have to do the real work, fix our issues and our party to fix issues in our state elections and all over the country,” she said.

Greene also took time to thank her supporters for reelecting her to a second term.

“This Election Day, voters across America stormed the polls and cast their ballot for Republicans for the first time. Their message was loud and clear: It’s time for a change,” she said in a statement to The Post Millennial.

“Frightened and fed-up Moms voted Republican for the first time because their children’s education, health, happiness, and future are all being threatened under the Democrats’ dangerous policies and sexualized education.”

“Hispanic voters, who fled countries reigned by tyrants, quickly recognized the Communist regime in control of America. Today, they voted to end the era of Nancy Pelosi.

“Black Americans voted Republican because they’re sick and tired of the crime in their streets, gangs luring their children, and the never-ending cycle of welfare that Democrats push into their community.

“Strong independent women are done being treated as an automatic vote when a real war on women is being waged against them. The policies of the last two years attempted to replace women with men and erase femininity in America. These women will never register Republican or admit it to their friends, but they voted to remove Democrats from power,” Greene added.

Greene said that “brave men and women from every background chose a different path forward.”

“These mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters have chosen to put Republicans in control of Congress with all the power and responsibility that comes with it. That means Republicans must fight for them,” she said.

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