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(Natural News)
Best-selling author Dr. Daniel Bobinski slammed President Joe Biden and his administration for lying and concealing the truth on issues that America is facing today.

During the July 7 episode of “Keep the Republic with Dr. Daniel Bobinski” on Brighteon TV, Bobinski tackled several issues, including the “alleged materials” found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“Biden has been telling us that he had nothing to do with his son’s business dealings,” the host said before he read out a transcript of a voicemail recording found on the hard drive of the said laptop.

It said: “Hey pal, it’s Dad. It’s 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance, just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk with you. I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good,” Biden said. “I think you’re clear. And anyway, if you get a chance, give me a call. I love you.”

Biden was referring to a 2018 New York Times article on the president’s son’s business dealings with Ye Jianming, a Chinese oil executive heading the CEFC China Energy Company.

In a recent press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer a question regarding the audio recording left by the president for the younger Biden. Jean-Pierre did not answer whether or not she was “disputing” that Joe Biden’s voice was the one on the message.

“From this podium, I’m not going to talk about alleged materials from the laptop. It’s not happening,” she said. (Related: Biden’s new “disinformation” chief was “pleased” by censorship of Hunter Biden laptop stories.)


Bobinski also touched on the committee hearings on the January 6 “attack on the United States capitol.” The host, who is a certified behavioral analyst, pointed to more disinformation being spread by the current administration.

“One of the lies that I see perpetuated is that this whole thing that people entering the capitol building on January 6 of last year were all [Donald] Trump supporters. I’ve written extensively about the fact that Black Lives Matter and Antifa people were at the forefront in disguise dressed up as Trump supporters,” he said, noting that his team has video evidence.

He also cited Ray Epps, who was out there and used to be one of the Federal Bureau of Investigation‘s (FBI) most wanted. In the videos, Epps, dressed in camouflage and looking like a military officer, was telling people “we’re gonna go inside.” Epps was never arrested.

The authorities has scrubbed Epps from the internet and the Department of Justice has denied a Freedom of Information Act request about him.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz raised suspicions about Epps back in January during a senate judiciary committee hearing on domestic terror threats.

“According to public records, Mr. Epps has not been charged with anything. No one’s explained why a person videoed urging people to go to the Capitol, a person whose conduct was so suspect the crowd believed he was a ‘fed,’ would magically disappear from the list of people the FBI was looking at,” Cruz said while pointing to a placard displaying a screenshot of an FBI website with the text: “FBI drops Epps from list.”

Biden does not understand how business works

Elsewhere in the show, Bobinski cited how Biden “losing it mentally” impacts how citizens – including economists and financial analysts – see him.

On July 3, Biden posted on a social media platform: “My message to the companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump is simple: This is a time of war and global peril. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product.”

He further demanded: “And do it now.”

The U.S. Oil and Gas Association clapped back with a tweet: “Working on it Mr. President. In the meantime, have a happy 4th, and please make sure the WH [White House] intern who posted this tweet registers for Econ 101 for the fall semester.”

Bobinski criticized the president for not knowing how economics works.

“You don’t just take a product, turn it around, and charge only what you paid for it. Nobody can stay in business if they pay only what they paid for it. There are overhead costs involved,” he pointed out.

A lot of popular personalities took to social media to express their dismay over the president’s statement.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder, reacted with a reply: “Ouch. Inflation is far too important a problem for the White House to keep making statements like this. It’s either straight ahead misdirection or a deep misunderstanding of basic market dynamics.”

Senator Cruz slammed Biden’s statement and addressed his post to the “guy running Biden’s teleprompter.” “It’s your fault. Reverse the dozens of executive orders, regulations and agency actions targeting American energy, and gas prices will fall … fast,” he said.

Bestselling author Michael Shellenberger stated that the president’s claim that he should not be blamed for high energy prices is absurd.

“Biden killed a major refinery expansion. He killed a one-million-acre oil and gas lease sale in Alaska. And he blocked all new drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans,” he said.

Corruption buster Tom Fitton denounced Biden’s order with a post: “This person has no lawful authority to threaten or order a gas station to set a price. This [Biden’s] tweet is an abuse of power.”

Watch the full July 7 episode of “Keep the Republic with Dr. Daniel Bobinski” below. Catch new episodes of the program every Thursday at 4:00 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

More related stories:

January 6 riot defendant acquitted by court on all charges; federal judge convinced defendant was let in freely by police.

Hunter Biden laptop repairman vows to fight back, launches defamation lawsuits against Adam Schiff, media.

Biden blatantly lies about the stock market, claiming non-existent GAINS when the market actually shows alarming LOSSES.

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