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(Natural News)
The corporate-run media is having a heyday doxing the identities of all the donors to the Freedom Convoy in Canada.

It is apparently a crime in the world of libtards to take a stand for one’s right to bodily autonomy, and both The Washington Post and CBC News have decided to punish those who do so by putting their personal information on blast.

According to reports, the Post is now harassing donors who contributed funding to the Canadian truckers who converged on Ottawa in protest of Justin Trudeau’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandate.

“The Washington Post is contacting people whose donation info was leaked and who gave as little as 40 dollars to the truckers to ask them why they did so,” tweeted Saagar Enjeti, a co-host on “Rising with Krystal and Saagar” at The Hill.

Enjeti received this information from a source who emailed him to say that “leaked data” was obtained about the GiveSendGo contributions showing that the Post has been harassing those who participated by asking them what “motivated” them to send money to the truckers.

Corporate media backs Trudeau’s tyranny, supports persecuting his political enemies

CBC is doing much the same thing, telling the donors it contacts that it is working on a story about the people who contributed funds to the Freedom Convoy.

Emails sent out from CBC employees state that they are “interested in interviewing you … about why you may have donated to the cause, but also how you feel about having your personal information leaked.”


“We won’t automatically identify you,” reads an email that at least one man received from CBC Ottawa‘s David Fraser and Guy Quenneville.

“We’re working on a story about the people who allegedly contributed funds, through GiveSendGo, to the ongoing Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa, according to the public release of hacked data from the site.”

The email goes on to ask the man how he feels “about having had your personal information leaked.”

Earlier in the week, Trudeau public announced that he feels as though the Freedom Convoy protests are illegal. He then invoked the Emergencies Act to punish them for speaking out against his Fauci Flu edicts.

The identity of the hacker who took credit for leaking the protesters’ private information to the media was also revealed as Aubrey Cottle, who claims he has worked with many different government agencies over the years including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), French “authorities,” and even INTERPOL.

The guy was caught bragging all over TikTok about how happy he is to have supported Trudeau’s fascist agenda. He also suggested that he would do it again in a heartbeat.

“Is there a GoFundMe to finance doxing and harassing WashPo reporters?” asked a commenter in response to the media’s harassment of the Freedom Convoy protesters.

“The worst thing you can do is talk to a reporter or a cop,” said someone else. “They are not looking after your best interest!”

“Bezos owns the Washington Post and Amazon,” noted another, referring to the infamous Jeff Bezos. “Maybe truckers should stop delivering to Amazon warehouses.”

Another expressed sorrow over Cottle for being “indoctrinated with propaganda” and “false garbage” that apparently made him feel as though persecuting free speech is the right thing to do.

“But after they join false causes, it takes a couple of years and they get stabbed in the back and begin to see truth,” this same person added. “In a few more year, he will be working against the liberals.”

More related news about the mainstream media can be found at Propaganda.news.

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