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(Natural News)
The non-elected, criminally-installed “fake” president Joe Biden is now warning about food shortages coming to America. At a press conference held in Brussels yesterday, he answered questions from reporters about food security. One reporter asked, “Can you say whether there’s the conversation is a turn to the subject of food shortages and what the US will do to address wheat shortages in particular, as a result of this?”

Biden answered, “With regard to food shortages. Yes, we did talk about food shortages. And, and it’s gonna be real.”

He even went on to explain how he was working on efforts to worsen food shortages around the world, literally saying, “And we both talked about how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly, food shortages.” (emphasis added)

Being a mentally incompetent fake president, of course, he may have tripped over his words. In later answers, he contradicted this and seemed to indicate that he was working to reduce food shortages.

Astonishingly, he also admitted that Americans will have to pay the price for economic sanctions levied against Russia. He is clearly attempting to set the narrative that when food scarcity and starvation strike America, the White House and the compliant corporate media will, in unison, attempt to place blame Russia.

Here’s the video:

It doesn’t really matter what Joe Biden says, of course, since Biden is a cognitively impaired puppet controlled by Democrat operatives who tell him what reporters to call on and which cue cards to read. Their goal is the complete economic and cultural destruction of America. That was also Obama’s goal, of course, which is why fake president Biden is widely considered to be fulfilling “Obama’s third term.”


Biden’s puppet masters have realized they can’t hide the food inflation and scarcity forever, so they’re trying to reframe it

What you’re watching unfold here is the realization of Biden’s handlers that food inflation and scarcity will become shockingly obvious to everyone later in 2022. That’s because everyone buys food. According to official sources, food inflation in the last year (Feb 2021 – Jan 2022) was over 20%. By the time 2022 comes to an end, we anticipate another 20% – 30% price inflation just in 2022 alone. This means food prices will very nearly have doubled from early 2020 to late 2022.

What happens in 2023 is going to be even worse. That’s because clueless bureaucrats and politicians will attempt to print more money and hand out UBI (Universal Basic Idiocracy) debit cards to everyone in a whole new kind of “helicopter money” scenario. The politicians will claim they are “helping” people afford rising food prices caused by Russia. In reality, they are printing money to chase price inflation that was caused by printing money in the first place.

The vicious feedback loop of hyperinflation will be well under way as money printing keeps pushing up inflation while the world’s nations increasingly dump the dollar due to rapid devaluation. In the end, as I wrote yesterday, the dollar goes to zero value, and the American people who bet on the dollar (by holding it) will be left penniless, starving and angry.

This is one of the easiest predictions I’ve ever made: In 2022 – 2025, we are going to see:

  • Food riots in America
  • Mass looting of grocery retailers
  • Increased theft of food from individuals and businesses
  • Food RATIONING efforts by the government
  • Food price controls in certain cases, leading to worsening shortages

Those who don’t own food — and those whose assets are kept in dollars — are going to be utterly wiped out and very likely destroyed. Many will die from the resulting violence.

Those who own food, gold, silver, ammo and certain types of crypto will survive the collapse and resulting chaos

No one is condemned to being destroyed in all this, however, unless they are dumb enough to trust Joe Biden, the Federal Reserve and the treasonous, complicit media. Smart people are already dumping dollars and moving into gold, silver, ammo, storable food and certain types of crypto such as privacy coins (which are impossible for governments to track or seize).

Personally, I consider owning gold and silver to be absolutely essential for survival. Ammo, food, emergency first aid, heirloom garden seeds, emergency communications gear, diesel fuel and other similar items can always be used as barter for food. Those who fail to prepare will end up selling things like their homes, vehicles, land or even their own bodies once the starvation becomes sufficiently severe.

This seems like an appropriate time to list some of the survival resources and providers I use myself and strongly recommend. For full disclosure, some of the listings below are sponsors one of kind or another, but no one is paying to appear in this article (I am not compensated for mentioning anyone here).

FREE Audio book coming soon: Resilient Prepping

Check out the pre-registration site ResilientPrepping.com where you can register to be alerted about the free download of my new, upcoming audio book. The book teaches high-tech, low-tech and NO-tech prepping strategies for surviving the total collapse of human civilization.

This book teaches you how to survive the end of the world, starting with the assumption that our world loses all electricity, fossil fuels and synthetic fertilizer. Very few preppers talk about the “no-tech” layer that needs to be addressed, where you have zero access to new supplies and must live entirely on what you can accomplish locally.

The free download includes all MP3 files and a printable PDF transcript. All files are free to download, with no digital rights restrictions of any kind. You can enter your email address on the site to register right now:


The book should be released within a few weeks.

Organic Ranger Buckets (storable food supply) are available next Tues or Wed

My online store HealthRangerStore.com offers about 2,000 Organic Ranger Buckets, roughly every 6-8 weeks (which is as fast as we can assemble them in Texas).

As luck would have it, our next set is being released in our store next Tuesday or Wednesday, and they will ship immediately from our warehouse in Texas. This is approximately 62 pallets of storable food buckets, and it takes our carriers about three full-sized tractor trailer rigs just to load up the outgoing boxes.

These usually sell out in about 30 minutes – 3 hours. If you want to be alerted when they go LIVE in the store, click on the this link to go to the product page and then click on the “Notify me about restock” link which is colored orange. Enter your email and you will be alerted when this inventory goes live.

Other important gear you’ll need for survival and barter

I strongly recommend gold and silver, including so-called “junk silver” (constitutional silver) coins which are pre-1963 coinage originally from the US mint. I’m told that silver coins are largely wiped out almost everywhere — typically now a 6-8 week wait for physical coinage — but the Treasure Island Precious Metals company has a solid supply right now of 1 oz. silver coins as Kangaroos (Australia), Britannias (UK), Eagles (USA) and Krugerrand (South Africa).

They are a Brighteon sponsor and you can reach them at BrighteonMetals.com.

Disclaimer: I am not your financial advisor. Do your own research and get professional advice on financial strategies that are right for you. We are NOT an affiliate and we do not earn any percentage on your purchase.

Similarly, in my opinion everyone needs ammunition and firearms where they are legal to purchase and own. Ammo will be a common barter item, and this has been confirmed to me by many Special Forces operators that I know (and trained with, of course). They’ve seen this in other collapsed countries, where ammunition was even more common than gold or silver as a barter “currency” for food.

The more chaos a society experiences, the more everybody wants and needs ammunition for self-defense. The most common types of ammo that will be “liquid” in terms of tradeability are:

  • 22LR
  • 9mm
  • 45 ACP
  • 5.56 (rifle ammo for AR-15s)
  • 308 Winchester (larger rifles and hunting rifles)
  • 12 ga. shotgun ammo

One good source to consider for ammo is Ammo.com. You can also check local firearms and sporting goods stores.

How much ammo should you get? I’ll answer it this way: If you think that “two boxes of 50 rounds of 9mm is enough,” then you are not thinking on a scale that is necessary for your survival.

Personally, I run a lot of my self-defense platforms on 300 AAC “blackout” ammunition, which is vastly superior for suppressed shorter barrels, compared to 5.56. However, not everybody recognizes 300 blackout.

My advice is to acquire hollow point or expanding tip ammo, also typically labeled hunting rounds in the rifle calibers. Avoid FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) because it has relatively little stopping effect. All my self-defense firearms are loaded with expanding ammo / self-defense rounds. We only use FMJ for target practice and sighting in, not for self-defense loadouts.

Where to learn more about survival and prepping

Be sure to download my free audio book, “The Global Reset Survival Guide.” It is available for free at GlobalReset.news

From that site, you’ll be able to download the audio files and a printable PDF, all free of charge.

In addition, listen to my daily Situation Update podcast for frequent discounts, specials and deals from other sponsors who are offering extremely high-end survival gear such as survival knives, actual combat swords, storable meat sticks and other similar items that we don’t offer ourselves.

Here’s today’s Situation Update that delves into the coming food scarcity that will strike North America in the second half of 2022:


Discover more information-packaged podcasts each day, along with special reports, interviews and emergency updates, at:


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