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(Natural News)
There is no better example of why our Founding Fathers decided on a republic rather than a full-on democracy than the state of California.

There, a Democratic supermajority has ruled for so long that they no longer care about the U.S. Constitution let alone their own, and are now openly and blatantly discriminating — something that, if taken to the extreme, would be extended all across the country if their party ever takes permanent control of the federal government.

As reported by American Greatness, “in our nation’s most populous state, discrimination is back in fashion!”

The report adds:

Anyone who pays attention to the news knows all about this. California’s legislature has created a web of new laws designed to uplift the marginalized and punish the privileged. Recently, a Los Angeles County court struck down the state’s historic corporate diversity law, which created quotas for the representation of racial minorities and members of the LGBT community on corporate boards. Now that the legislature failed in its bid to institutionalize “Jimenez Crow,” the state-supported University of California is stepping up to the plate.

Last month, the president of the University of California system announced the creation of a program to cover all expenses including fees and tuition for Native Americans who enroll at one of the system’s campuses. While other blatant attempts at open racism and discrimination have failed in courts, “the UC system is hoping that aid, which is provided to students from federally recognized tribes (and possibly state-recognized tribes as well), will not technically be considered racial or ethnic discrimination,” the report said.


That’s going to be a difficult position to defend, however, because the UC president’s announcement of the program made it crystal clear that at its core are ethnic and racial grievances.

“The University of California is committed to recognizing and acknowledging historical wrongs endured by Native Americans. I am proud of the efforts the university has made to support the Native American community,” said Dr. Michael V. Drake, a New York native who is also a physician.

In addition, American Greatness reported, the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, which is helping to fund the new scholarship program, claimed: “In the spirit of our ancestors, we are driven to take care of our environment and our people.”

And who do “our people” comprise? Native Americans, of course… and only Native Americans.

So, how is it that anyone associated with this program considers it to be “race-neutral” when it is specifically aimed at lifting up only one ethnic group? It can’t be considered as such is the correct answer.

“Let’s hope the state and federal courts do their jobs and remind California’s leaders—again—that every American has a moral and legal right to be judged based on his or her individual merits,” the American Greatness report continued.

“Are many potential Native American students in the UC system deserving of aid, based on academic merit or financial need? No doubt they are. Then let them apply for such aid and be granted or refused it according to the same fair, unbiased, and universal standards that apply, or should apply, to everyone else. That, after all, is the American way,” the report noted further.

For the record, the report adds, the vast majority of Californians also don’t want programs based on race and ethnicity (though their Democrat overlords obviously do). That was evidenced by the sound rejection of Proposition 16 in 2020, which would have legalized racial preferences in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and existing federal statutes.

Now just imagine in a governing system where a pure democracy existed — mob rule, in other words — how much different America would look and be. There literally would be enclaves of liberty, freedom and equality and enclaves that permitted blatant racism and preferential treatment for only certain ethnic groups.

What a miserable place our country would be. And today’s Democratic Party would make it that way.

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