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(Natural News)
The Canadian Freedom Convoy of truckers is still going strong after a week and a half, which has so upset the political elite that they are now calling it an “insurrection.”

Ottawa City Council member Diane Deans scolded the protesters, calling them “terrorists” and declaring their activities to be an illegal “occupation” of Canada’s capital city.

“We are on day eight of this occupation,” she claims. “Our city is under siege.”

“What we’re seeing is bigger than just a City of Ottawa problem. This is a nationwide insurrection. This is madness. We need a concrete plan to put an end to this.”

Ottawa Police chief Peter Sloly agrees with Deans, adding that local law enforcement was “never intended to deal with a city under siege.”

To flip things around, Canadian truckers also never expected to be under siege by the government’s “vaccine” needles, but here we are.

If Deans and Sloly want the “insurrection” to end, then they first need to end their own medical fascism insurrection. The protests would end in an instant if that happened.

Trudeau refusing to meet with Freedom Convoy protesters

Deans does not see things this way, though. She is still pushing the city for some kind of legal excuse to declare the protests an “unlawful assembly,” or possibly a “riot.” Whatever it takes to conduct mass arrests, she admitted.

“There are so many people out there engaged in a broader act of … mayhem that we need to be able to bring it all under control,” Deans bellowed during a recent speech, adding that she hopes to pursue “one criminal charge at a time.”


“We can’t allow this kind of terrorism in our community to continue this way,” she added.

Okay, Karen.

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, another Karen, engaged in a similar tactic when he declared a “state of emergency” due to the trucker protest, which apparently gives the state more power to oppress.

Watson of course claims that his oppression is needed to address the “serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents.”

“It also provides greater flexibility within the municipal administration to enable the City of Ottawa to manage business continuity for essential services for its residents and enables a more flexible procurement process, which could help purchase equipment required by frontline workers and first responders,” the city added in a statement.

Ah, there it is: flexibility.

On-the-ground protesters are reporting that their gathering is completely peaceful and has nothing to do with terrorism. It is the counter-protesters who are wreaking havoc and trying to put a stop to free speech.

The first vehicle convoys to arrive in Ottawa got there on January 29 and have remained in the city ever since. People all across Canada have been joining them ever since, making the trek from far and wide to offer their support.

Many of the trucks have begun to honk throughout the day in the Parliament Hill area to try to get the Justin Trudeau regime to take notice and respond.

“To anybody who is annoyed, we apologize,” said protest organizer Benjamin Dichter. “Please call Justin Trudeau, his office, and get these mandates lifted, and we’re out of here.”

Trudeau refuses to meet, though, even though people all across Canada are losing their jobs, their businesses and even their homes because of his fascist Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates.

“Let’s remember most of Ottawa is government, huge number of civil servants here,” said Tom Quiggin, who is helping the organizers with “protective intelligence.”

“They haven’t missed a paycheque. They’ve got pay raises, some of them have got back pay, most of them are working from home. Some of them who can’t work from home are just doing nothing and still getting paid.”

“So yes, it’s unfortunate that they feel bad about the horns, yes, it’s unfortunate they feel bad about the disruption, but the rest of the country is hurting.”

More related news can be found at Fascism.news.

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