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(Natural News)
Just like pretty much every other Western multinational corporation in existence, IBM is celebrating Pride and everything it represents, including the transgender mutilation and pharmaceutical drugging of children.

In a June 1 tweet, IBM announced that “We have #Pride in what defines us.” The technology corporation added that it “stands by those living boldly in the LGBTQ+ community.”

“Join us during Pride Month as we highlight the LGBTQ+ perspectives that define IBM,” the company added proudly.

These “perspectives” of course include putting pre-pubescent children on hormone-blockers while surgically altering, removing and/or replacing their natural genitalia for “gender affirming” purposes.

IBM’s punch card census technology processed homosexuals into concentration camps

IBM’s LGBTQ+ celebration sure is interesting in light of its history as a company, particularly during the 1930s.

At the time, IBM pioneered the creation of the punch card technology that was used to process Jews, homosexuals and other Third Reich prisoners of the Holocaust.

Back then, IBM appears to have held an anti-perversion stance with regard to homosexuality. Today, the company is celebrating it while promoting the destruction of youth at the hands of LGBTQ+ perverts pushing sexual deviancy.

On Twitter, many respondents to IBM’s pro-LGBTQ+ post pointed out the company’s hypocrisy, particularly in the year 1933 when it created the punch card census technology.

“The 1933 census, with design help and tabulation services provided by IBM through its German subsidiary, proved to be pivotal to the Nazis in their efforts to identify, isolate and ultimately destroy the country’s Jewish minority,” reads the Wikipedia entry for “IBM and the Holocaust,” one Twitter user revealed with a screenshot.


The truth even back then, more than likely, is that IBM cared about the money. It may not have even had a political stance in the 1930s either for or against the Third Reich, but even so it supported the movement’s efforts.

Today, however, IBM is openly and proudly celebrating far-left sexual politics and everything that entails, including the LGBTQ+ destruction of innocent children’s lives.

The twisted history of IBM is hardly a shock, seeing as how most other companies like it are doing many of the same things with similar historical hypocrisy. Would you expect anything less from soulless corporations run by perverts?

During the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic, IBM was also involved in coming up with the “vaccine passport” scheme that is still being pushed in some areas.

A modern-day form of human “cattle” processing, vaccine passports represent another extension of IBM’s anti-human, pro-perversion and pro-death agenda.

“As we all talk and analyze, the satanic agenda is rolling full steam ahead. Only one person will stop this madness and it’s Jesus,” wrote someone at Natural News. “We can fight and die for what we believe in, but the system will continue rolling full steam ahead.”

“This is a spiritual war and that’s why the public can’t thwart Satan’s minions. Start praying that a Holy God will be merciful to the remnant. We’ve got work to do if you profess to be a Christian. Ephesians chapter 6.”

Another wrote that some Holocaust prisoners were in fact criminals, including sexual criminals who committed atrocities against children, and that from this perspective IBM held a different political view back then than it does today with its newfound celebration of LGBTQ+ sexual deviancy.

“Do you not understand that central banker hedge funds (Rothschild family) own controlling shares in IBM, and nearly all the other multinational corporations in on this Great Reset BS?!!” added someone else, offering insight into why today’s IBM is a pro-LGBTQ+ activist corporation.

More news coverage about corporate pandering to LGBTQ+ perversion can be found at AltLeft.news.

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