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(Natural News)
The Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial is another precedent-setting trial where justice needs a victory so Americans can continue to defend themselves legally against crazed Leftists and their gun confiscation agenda. Allegedly, a producer from NBC’s MSNBC followed the Rittenhouse jury bus to either snap photos of them or intimidate them along the way, but when the driver ran a red light, police figured out what was going on, arrested him and issued a citation. Now the judge, Bruce Schroeder, has banned MSNBC altogether from his courtroom, well aware of what the fake news station was trying to do. “No one from MSNBC news will be permitted in this building … this is an extremely serious matter and will be referred to the proper authorities,” declared the judge. That goes for the rest of the trial, according to Schroeder.

Obstruction of justice and jury intimidation nothing out of the ordinary for the cheating, violent Left in America

The goal, obviously, of MSNBC was to let the jurors know they’re being watched, tracked and identified so that if they don’t find Kyle Rittenhouse guilty, they will be have targets on their backs. Jury tampering is an ethical infraction and a criminal offense. Most states and the federal government consider jury tampering a felony offense, punishable by AT LEAST one year in prison and possibly the death penalty, in certain states. Lucky for the MSNBC reporter a.k.a. “Jim Morrison” there’s no death penalty in Wisconsin, though life in prison may serve him well.

Yes, the singer of the famous band “The Doors” is still dead, but that never stops Leftists from using fake identification to pull off crimes, like illegal voting or jury/witness intimidation. “James Morrison” was taken into custody and said he works for NBC Producer Irene Byon out of New York. Now authorities are looking into the person who allegedly gave Jim Morrison instructions to follow the jury bus, one Min Joo Byon, who has since deleted her social media accounts.

Of course, if the Left feels they are about to lose this precedent-setting case, they may be trying to throw the trial into mistrial mode to save face and try to gather more fake evidence, like the drone footage that was manipulated before the trial.

Judge Schroeder went on to add, “This is a very serious matter, and I don’t know what the ultimate truth of it is, but absolutely it would go without much thinking that someone who is following a jury bus, that’s an extremely serious matter and will be referred to the proper authorities for further action.”

NBC “regrets” the incident, so they say, only because they got caught

Just like the stolen POTUS election, the Left wants to “steal” the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, find him guilty of murder for defending himself with a gun, and use this to swing all future gun-involved crime cases to support future gun confiscation schemes (unconstitutional legislation). Several states already have “red flag” gun laws where anyone can claim someone else with a gun is mentally unstable and unfit to carry or own a firearm, and should be arrested for “thought crimes.”

NBC went on the record to say they regret the jury tampering incident, and assure the world that no pictures were taken of Rittenhouse jury members. The sleazebag reporter was probably hoping the bus would stop at a diner or something and they could snap photos and then dox all the jurors later.

The push is on now for the Biden Regime to confiscate all Americans’ guns, before the vaccine holocaust kicks into full gear, because the patriots of this country can see exactly what is transpiring, and the Republic won’t be capsized by a bunch of fake news sleazebag reporters and producers trying to manipulate the masses.

Tune your internet dial to Preparedness.news for updates on how to survive the attempted globalist/communist takeover of America.

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