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Announcement of G-Energy’s offers as the most
advantageous in a non-public open tender procedure (area of operation of
the PSG, Tychy gas plants).Management
Board of G-Energy S.A. (GENERGY, the Company, the Issuer) with its
registered office in Warsaw informs that today the Company received
information about obtaining the maximum number of points in the second
stage of non-public proceedings conducted in the form of an open tender
for awarding a contract for the task: “FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT – Design and
construction of gas connections with consumption up to 10 m3 / h from
the existing gas pipelines in Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o.
Zakład Gazowniczy branch in Zabrze – divided into 4 lots ”. Code of
conduct: 2020 / W100 / WNP-028936.The
Issuer presented the most advantageous offers for the following parts:
Area No. 21: the area of ​​operation of the Gasworks in Tychy, including
the city of Tychy, the commune of Kobiór; Area No. 23: the area of
​​operation of the Gas Plant in Tychy, including the Bieruńsko-Lędziński
Poviat, Chełm Śląski commune.The
subject of the contract is the implementation of tasks consisting in the
design and construction of gas connections medium / cin / c with
diameters from DN 25 PE to DN 63 PE from the existing gas pipelines
related to the connection of new customers with gas consumption up to 10
m3 / h in the area covered by the operation of Polska Spółka Gazownictwa
Ltd Branch Zakład Gazowniczy in Zabrze Branch Zakład Gazowniczy in
Zabrze. The subject of the contract has been divided into Areas (parts
of the Order).Comprehensive
implementation of the gas connection, i.e. performance of tasks
specified jointly: 1) preparation of simplified documentation or
construction design for gas connection (section from the existing gas
pipeline) 2) execution of construction and assembly works related to the
execution of the gas connection.GENERGY
will be entitled to remuneration in the amount of at least: Area no. 21:
area of ​​operation of the Gasworks in Tychy, including the city of
Tychy, the commune of Kobiór – PLN 1,125,000.00 net; Area No. 23: the
area of ​​operation of the Gas Plant in Tychy, including the Bieruńsko
Lędziński Poviat, Chełm Śląski commune – PLN 550,000.00 net; This amount
will be increased by the due tax on goods and services (VAT).Currently,
the Issuer is after Stage II – price negotiations, in which he obtained
the maximum amount of 100 points.The
Awarding Entity stipulated that no protest or appeal may be lodged.

17 sec. 1 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council
(EU) No 596/2014 of April 16, 2014 on market abuse (market abuse
regulation) and repealing Directive 2003/6 / EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council and Commission Directive 2003 / 124 / EC, 2003/125 / EC
and 2004/72 / EC (also known as MAR)

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